Dec 06, 2002 18:38
...Hey Everyone!Whats going on...Im sittin here watchin Tv and being bored outta my mind!And to beat it all im starving!Mom is surposed to go up Lil Mexico and get me some food.Her and Kevin are in there talking so it might be a while unfortunatly =(
*The past few days have been Great!Iive gotton so much rest!It was needed Believe it or not.On Wedensday we went to school and in first block at about 9 oclock we got out!Mrs. Garrison didnt fail to assign another poem for us to memorize,and leave it up to me to forget my book inside my locker!!UgH!!I guess that I was just so excited about dissmissal that The last thing I was thinking about was school work!And to make the day even better we had no Volleyball Practice!
*Thursday we didnt have any school due to the weather. I slept till like two and then I woke up and saw that Darcie had called so that ment we had pratice.LoL so i got online and everyones away messages was like "tired just got home from practice"..I was thinking oh shit there goes my starting spot..but i talked to mrs herron and it was no big deal.Whatta relief.I started playing on my Playstation.Yes I was VeRy Extremly bored.Boredom can do weird things to you aha..But anyways I started playing Crash Bandicot.Thats actaully a good addictive game.
*Today I woke up and as far as i knew we were on a delay so i turned on the tv to make sure that we were and it said "Wise co. closed" I was so happy!But i couldnt go back to bed.So I cleaned the house and stuff.Then darcie called and said that we had practice so we talked a lil while and then i watched some price is right, and played some more Playstation.(Ive almost beat the game)So I went to practice.My knee pads were upstairs in my locker and I had to get them I i figured I could get my english book so i could memorize that poem..But sure enough I get up there and My locker was jammed!!I was the ShIt!!So I went to the office and they were out to lunch.Sounds like some bad luck doesnt it??!So I borrowed Keishas knee pads for some of practice but i still have 3 floor burns on each dont it!But after practice Darc took me home and I straighten up the house again because somehow it always manages to get messed up HaHa*Then I got cleaned up for really no reason.
*Now Im sitting here watchin tv and doing nothing.It dont look like moms going to be gettin me anything to eat and I cant wait much longer haha!maybe ill talk her into going and renting me some movies Who Knows LoL:) But Im gone for now Ill update as soon as I can..Love you all!Leave Me Some Comments:)
"A friend is someone who will bail you out of jail..A BeST friend is the one who will be sittin right beside of you in the cell saying "Damn!That was fuN!"