
Aug 15, 2012 22:40

It seems that everything I try to do for the wedding either comes out completely wrong, leads to fights, or just becomes a big logistical hassle that takes forever to resolve and takes far too much out of me in emotional reserves.

We don't have an officiant yet.

We don't have a caterer yet.

Or a photographer. Or a DJ/band.

Because of the other dress I bought back in July, I am now bound to getting the bridesmaids dresses through David's Bridal as an exchange (no store credit), otherwise I will have thrown away $400. But since I'm only buying 2 bridesmaids dresses, there's money left over in that and I have nothing to buy with it except for, possibly, sashes for said bridesmaid dresses... but now it turns out that all the dresses I suggested were all uncomfortable and too warm for a May wedding, so I have to go with something that already has a built-in sash and if I want to add something with a different color in it, it has to be done by a seamstress so whatever sash I get would basically have to be bisected anyway... and there's an issue with the color scheme and outfits... and I'm still trying to figure out my shoes and what the fuck I can do with jewelry and my hair that wouldn't cost too much, and I haven't even gotten up the reserves to drag Alex over to figure out his jacket...

And school starts in 8 days.

That means I have 8 days before all wedding stuff other than emails essentially stops for me. My next available time slot for doing anything at all is going to probably be only in October, and that would be in Maryland. After that, it would be in December/January.

I'm just... tired of fighting, tired of logistics, tired of not being on the same page with anyone involved, tired of being so tired...

My family is across an ocean. Alex's family is in a different state and I have to wait for them to decide to care about the wedding since I can't exactly force them to talk about anything if they don't want to at any given point in time. They're dealing with a lot, and I get that, but we don't even have a wedding budget set up, only vague statements...

And it doesn't help that they also basically told me that if I get stressed from all of this, they're going to just slash everything and have a "modest" wedding or some bullshit. Yeah, no. That doesn't calm me down AT ALL, and being told to basically "man up and shut up" while still getting no support is NOT HELPING.

It's times like these that I wish I had a shrink. At least they get paid to listen to people bitch and giving supportive advice, so they don't have a choice about it and they can't tell you their schedule is too busy for you, and if anything is going to calm me down at the moment (other than just not thinking about it and bottling up the daily dread) is that.

That's my rant, for all the good that ranting does :-\
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