
Feb 28, 2009 19:43

We have decided that now is a good time to try to wean Max off the binkie (pacifier).  He is 16 months old and he is old enough to have some other coping mechanisms.  Also, with the transition to the toddler room at daycare, we have been told that this is a good time to incorporate this change as well.  Now, at daycare, he will take his nap on a little cot instead of in a crib.  At home, we still have his crib - we'll see how long we can make that last!

Last night N had him out later than usual, so he fell asleep without the binkie becuase he ws so tired already.  Today for his nap, he fell asleep on the way home from some errands and we were able to transfer him to crib in a half-asleep state that didn't require the binkie.

Tonight was another story.  He was clearly tired.  He even said "night night" which usually means he is ready for bed.  We did the whole bedtime routine, but then I didn't give him the binkie.  "Beebee?" he asked me, looking at the spot on the edge of his crib headboard where we usually put the binkie when he is not in bed.  I explained to him that he was a big boy now and that he didn't need it.  I told him that we had put it away and that I knew it would be hard, but that he could fall asleep without it.  He seemed troubled but wasn't crying.  I rocked him for a little, but when I laid him down, he started to cry.  He ended up crying for about 10 minutes, at which point I came back in.  After a diaper change and some more hugs he calmed down, but as soon as I put him back in the crib, he started crying again.  N and I agreed to let him go for 10 minutes before we went back in there.  By the end of the 10 minutes, he was calming down and by about 15 minutes he had finally fallen asleep.

I know this will be hard, but I think the older he gets, the harder it will be.  Hopefully this will only take a week or so.  We'll see how it goes.  Now we have to find other ways to soothe him in public too.  It will undoubtedly be an adventure.

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