i downloaded Alias Maya 7.0, a 3d rendering program.
i've been toying around with it between my paintings, school, and whatnot.
so far i can't do very much. this program seems to have a slow learning curve.
(there is just way to much that it can do.)
anyway, the above picture is the result of my latest attempt.
it is shaded with the "toon" shader option, thus the cartoony look.
a big chunk of the tools in Maya are for 3d animating, but i have an interesting idea to utilize those tools in an inovative way.
once i get my modeling skills down, i'm going to see about making a comic with it. you can possition the character with the skeletons (something i haven't even gotten close to trying yet...i have to actuall create the character first). it would be an exciting way to make an easily updatable comic.
i could even do the backgrounds in photoshop fairly easily.
too bad none of you care.