Feb 04, 2004 15:55
i cant believe flashbacks is tonight. it came too soon i guess. im not sure if im ready to sing in front of 500 people. i love being onstage but this is different. and my throat is so sore. i have a nasaly sound to my voice also...april made fun of me for making NASA sound like NAZZA..lol. i think it was my nasaly sound cus I'm sick or it could've been my hardcore spanish accent kicking in. i dunno. april loves me either way huh baby? hehe. anyway, i guess im excited about tonight..kinda..i will be. u guys should coime see it on fri. or mon. it's pretty tight.
oh..it's been a few days since i've updated. what has been going on since the last update? oh.. #1- i got glasses! they're pretty tight. ppl. tell me i look "intellectual" oh, and "sophisticated". hehe, thats tight. i can see the lights when i drive now. #2- with the guidance of my best friends, i learned to "inhale"..painful..but im pretty sure it was a one time deal. i kinda feel like bill clinton cus thats wut he said. lets see wut else? oh, #3-my parents let me go on the spring break trip with the girls. hopefully they can all go. that should be fun. #4 i have made some tight friends lately. one in parcticular. shes awesome. and then there's kevin and he's pretty bad ass too. #5 i got a personal trainer..chad, hes pretty hot for a 30 yr. dol. he's also pretty harsh with the workouts sometimes. i think he gets excited cus he gave me a bruise on my leg that covers half of my thigh. what a dumbass! so i guess everything seems to be pretty damn great right now. except for my g-ma cus shes always wanting to throw it down with me but thats just how she's always been..silly lady.
damn it joe, u keep me in suspense! :/