Fic: Tempest (1/2).

Mar 04, 2008 17:06

Title: Tempest - Part 1
Author: midnightdream__
Characters: Adriana Winters, Jaser Cross
Timeline: Future; two years
Word Count: 1,807
Rating: Mature (Language, violent themes)
Summary: After Jaser shows up at her engagement party, he decides to interfere, and pissing Adriana off will never lead to anything good.

Note: This is something that has been brewing in my mind for quite some time; the original thread was done last spring, and unfortunately the middle part of it was never completed *cough*CHRISYOUSUCK*cough*.

So, as it was never threaded out in the RP, I decided to write my own version of how it went down. Basically, all you need to know is that Adriana is currently locked in a back room with all her engagement gifts.

It has been a lot to fun to write, though it has gone through a long process of changes and edits, and ended up growing longer and longer than I ever originally meant it to, lol. Adriana simply refused to be satisfied until Jaser's arse was properly kicked. Because of the length, I decided to split it into two parts. If anyone actually is interested after reading this one, let me know and I'll post the second!

OH! And I've never ever had a beta for any of my work - so if you see a typo, let me know.

Oh, someone was going to get fired tonight for this. Or Avada Kedavra'd, if Adriana had her way.

She couldn't be too sure how much time had passed since she'd come to meet her Uncle, though it personally felt like hours. Various attempts to bang and yell were left unsuccessful, nobody had shown up. There were no other means of escape; only the one door, and two mini windows covered in grating that she'd barely be able to fit her head through.

Cursing under her breath as she leaned with her back to the door, she berated herself for not finding a way to bring her wand along with her. There was the hindrance of wearing a formal gown, of course, which equaled about zero places to hide a wand. Not to mention that this was her engagement party- she shouldn't need her wand, nor should she find herself locked in a back room.

Regrettably, this was the case.

After a few more aims of getting out failed, Adriana continued to busy herself around the room, searching throughout the piles of presents for anything useful. Adriana coldly mused to herself that the chances of someone sending a wand as an engagement gift was highly unlikely.


The sound of the door unlocking grabbed her attention instantly and she jolted towards it, instant relief at someone finally coming in.

"I did not keep you waiting too long, did I?"

That relief didn't last long, however, and she froze in her spot at the voice. Him.

"You." Tone full of loathing, Adriana's eyes narrowed darkly, an unsure but threatening look now on her face. "What the hell have you done?"

"Now, now, Adriana," Jaser Cross responded calmly, clicking his tongue at her. "Really, do you think me so cruel as to have had something to do with this?"

"Toss the act, Jaser, you don't pass off 'hero' very well." Glaring, she crossed her arms, locking her gaze on him.

"I assure you," he started, shrugging passively and glancing mindfully around the room. "There's no need to panic."

"Enough," she cut in, glaring scoldingly at him. "I don't know why you came tonight in the first place, but I don't care." Shaking her head in clear disgust, she started towards the door, having to move around Jaser to reach the handle. "Whatever you're trying to pull, drop it. I've had enough of your bullsh-"

"Such hostility," Jaser said slowly, hand reaching out to snatch Adriana's arm before she touched the door. "I come to help you, and all I get is suspicion?"

"I don't know, Jaser, I'd say it was habit," she returned dryly, tilting her head to send him a rather pointed look. "Now take your hand off me."

Not relieving his grip on her, Jaser glanced downwards with a not-so-innocent once over before looking back up to her face with a smug smirk. "They say old habits can be broken, even our worst ones. Tell me Adriana, how are getting rid of yours coming along?" He had, of course, been referring to the constant need for snogging more than just one bloke back at Hogwarts. Surely, Dorian had not changed all that.

"They do indeed die hard," she replied in the same clipped tone, jaw clenching in an attempt to keep her voice level. Turning her gaze and fixing an icy stare on him, her lips then gained an entirely fake smile, as if suddenly becoming cheerful. "You're still breathing. Mind if I remedy that?"

"How I love that biting sense of humour," Jaser chuckled heartily, countering by digging his fingers into her arm and forcing her to walk with him away from the door, ignoring her struggle. "I'm afraid I'm just not in the mood."

"I said-" she ground out, twisting her arm out from his grip in a nimble move, ""

In a rather unexpected move on Jaser's part, he let her return to the door.

Smirking, he followed directly after her and apprehended her just as she had reached the handle, spinning her forcefully around to face him.

"What is the rush?" he questioned quietly, bringing himself flush against her with a knee between her legs, pinning her back to the door. She clenched her jaw, visibly squirming, but he was stronger, holding her in place. "I simply want to talk, is that so much to ask of a long-time friend?"

Another smirk, and he crushed his lips to hers furiously, trapping her wrists securely within his hands. Adriana wasn't about to cooperate and only resisted further, but Jaser didn't relent, relishing in her gasp when he bit down sharply on her lower lip, a distinct taste of copper trickling into the kiss.

She was finally able to force her face away from his with a strangled groan, and he frustratingly pulled back, tongue darting out to lick some of her blood from his lips, expression set and calm as ever. "What's wrong? I remember you always liked it rough."

"I also like it willing," she rasped, ignoring the throbbing in her bottom lip and stamping the heel of her shoe (which were, thankfully, about four inches high) hard into his foot.

Expectantly, he cried in pain and the temporary distraction was enough for Adriana to budge. He anticipated it, however, and he caught her just before she was out of full reach, fingers winding into her hair firmly.

"Always were so fucking stubborn," he leaned in to hiss in her ear, tightening the fist-full of her hair and yanking her head back towards him, exposing her neck to his breath. "I'm helping you, but you're being difficult -- you are giving me little choice, here."

Adriana clenched her jaw at the slight pain, but otherwise gave him no reaction. "You call this help? This obsessive jealousy you have isn't attractive, Jaser."

Jaser flashed her a grin, letting each of his words rumble down her exposed skin. "This isn't obsession," he said darkly, fingers curling tighter in her hair, "this is protection." He then let go of her roughly, shoving her towards the center of the room.


Adriana let herself stumble into a stack of engagement gifts, righting her balance before she knocked anything completely over.

"Who are you trying to fool, Darling?" Jaser started, not caring to wait until she caught her breath. "You expect anyone out there to believe that you're committing your entire bloody life to one person? You! If Grace believes that for even a second, he's more pathetic than I first guessed."

"Clearly you're the exception, but most people change, Jaser - they grow up."

"And you don't change at all. You still found yourself next to me in bed, needing to run away from your problems, from him."

Adriana scoffed, cocking her head at him. Merlin, Paris was two years ago. "Try an entire bottle of Champagne. How else would I have willingly shagged you?"

Eyes flashing to hers, Jaser strode several steps closer, snarling at the shot at his ego. "Don't waste your breath on lies, Adriana."

"Oh, but it's true," she continued quieter, the anger bubbling and only serving to make her more willing to taunt him. "I may be the best shag you've had- and believe me, I get that a lot..." Trailing off a moment, Adriana dropped her gaze between her and Jaser for a glimpse of where he put his wand. No luck. "But you don't even make the top ten."

Jaser made a sound something akin to a growl, eyebrow cocking, his chin raising defiantly.

"What is it you hate more," she continued when he had no response, fixing Jaser an icy stare. "That you were just a meaningless distraction, or that I had to think of Dorian the entire night?"

He hit her across the face sharply, the force making her stumble a step back.

"Apparently, a bit of both," she murmured after a moment, wincing from the initial sting at her jaw, slowly turning her head back to Jaser. She hadn't noticed that he'd stepped even closer.

"You know better than to speak to me like that," Jaser said intently, tilting his head at her. There was a creepy tone of innocence in his voice, and the way he began gliding his hand across her cheek and down her neck made Adriana hold back a shudder.

"And you really should have known better than to try something like this with me," she responded, taking that same hand from the side of her neck and twisting his fingers backwards as hard as she could. Almost simultaneously, she shot her free hand out, punching him in the nose.

Jaser's hands flew to his face from the blow, and Adriana darted off to the side. Snatching the top wrapped box on a stack on the opposite side of the room, she threw it at Jaser, the hit garnished with a shattering clang similar to that of china or glass.

"Sounded rather expensive," she said offhandedly, flexing her wrist lightly. "Do remind me to write a thank you note for that."

She was onto her next weapon of choice when Jaser straightened back up, massaging his shoulder.

"Tsk, tsk," he called out sternly, with a hint of a groan that made Adriana very pleased. "That... wasn't very nice."

"Oh, I'm terribly sorry. I thought you liked it rough?" Adriana echoed, tossing a long rectangular box this time. A beat, and another box accompanied the second, Jaser going out of sight behind more gift stacks as he hit the floor.

Next gift in hand, Adriana listened attentively for movement.

"Do you really think this is solving anything?" uttered Jaser eventually, frustration beaming through his voice. Adriana smirked.

"Possibly not; it just feels fantastic to throw heavy objects at your head."

"Come now, Adriana, let's be civil."

"Civil? Oh, I think we passed civility when you tried to shove your tongue down my throat," she laughed bitterly, looking at Jaser incredulously. "Now, what do you suppose your luck is with how heavy the rest of these gifts are?"

Apparently, he didn't want to find out; his wand whipped out at her, and she didn't need to hear the word from his lips to know exactly what curse he projected at her. Considering he was the one with the wand the entire time, she was honestly surprised he hadn't reverted to magic sooner.

Pain surged throughout her veins, muscles inadvertently locked up in defense, and she fell to her knees.

Apparently the bastard had been working on his Cruciatus skills.


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