happy birthday Noles.

Dec 29, 2005 13:42

I'm in a writing mood. I feel like I've updated with pictures way too often this time of year and people are now tired of seeing my face make awkward expressions in an effort to entertain myself. Yes, boredom can kill you, and it's a spreading disease. In my opinion, it's caused by winter, not that it matters. Yet I have sufficient evidence to prove it. Going into detail would only bore you, and that'd be proof that I'm contributing to spread this dealdy virus of boredom. Even the word boredom is boring. Borh-dum. There's nothing exciting about it.

In other news, less boring and slightly energy-consuming, my mom's upset. She's notcied "I get thinner and thinner by the day" and fears "I will disappear in a matter of weeks". I've eaten three meals a day in front of her to satisfy her, but of course, that's never enough. So she jumps to conclusions, as my mom is known to do whenever she gets worried, about me purging my meals and proceeds to read my diary. Now, in my diary, there's stuff about eating, not eating, and more importantly, other things that I'd like to keep to myself that have nothing to do with eating such as sex, drugs, and rock n' roll. My mother knows about my sex, my drugs (which I don't do), and my rock n' roll. It also states what I weight. And she's a sneaky one because she asks me how much I weight, and then starts crying as if she knew I lied and was hiding something from her. Ugh, the frustration! So what now, you may be asking yourself? Now, we are both to go to therapy, as in family counceling, and I have to get a physical (which may end up in me going to LIJ)

As for school, I need to hand in at least 4 labs and I have no intention of even looking at them for now. I needed to make up 5 or 6 HW's for math because the teacher decided to ignore the fact that there was a huge transit strike and people who live in the hood couldn't get to his class. I don't know if we were supposed to read anything for english, I don't know what we're doing in health, and I made up a test in History. As fro French, when we come back she's giving us two days to finish a group project we were supposed to start 2 weeks before vacation. a)I don't know whose group I belong in. b)I don't know what the project is about. c)I will have only two days to find a group and translate some sentences into french.

Today is Nola's birthday! Happy birthday hun, I'm sorry I haven't called. I'm stuck home painting and sick with a runny nose. I promise that if I get better during the week, we're going to the mall again, and this time with KJ!

Oh yea, KJ, you are NOT to be a drug dealer! We are going to grow up and berich, beautiful gummy worm dealers who hang out and shop a lot at 42 St.!

Anna and Fio are somewhere having a good time...sigh. I miss ya guys. Anna, I haven't seen you in AGES!
Fio, you smell. Jk! I (heart) you.
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