Title: Exercising Caution
Fandom: Star Trek: TOS
Rating: G
Characters: Kirk and Spock
Summary: Spock expresses his concern over an expedition that Kirk is embarking on.
Category: Friendship/Fluff
Word Count: 176
Prompt: 97. safety first [from the
100 Theme Challenge]
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of Gene Roddenberry.
“Captain, I must insist that you consider the dangers of what you are proposing. It would be far more logical to allow me, as Science Officer, to proceed down to the surface in your stead, and first map out any fluctuations in atmospheric radiation. My equipment indicates that the planet is Class M, but I am picking up somewhat disconcerting readings regarding electromagnetic radiation that may prove dangerous to human welfare.”
“Absolutely not, Mr. Spock. You’re the Acting Captain while I’m down there. They need you here.”
“Then, if you will not allow me to assess the risks of the situation you are insisting upon placing yourself in, I would ask that you exercise extreme caution when encountering any changes in the readings, and I would advise that you ensure the use of the proper protective equipment.”
“I will.” He turned quickly toward the door.
Spock cleared his throat and Kirk looked back. “I believe the equivalent Earth phrase is something approximating, ‘Take care, Jim.’ ”
A smile tugged the corners of Kirk’s mouth. “Always, Spock.”