
Mar 01, 2016 16:18

Friday evening, I carried a pot to a potluck dinner, as one does. (I often bring salad or cookies to potluck meals, because they're so portable.) But this potluck was very close to home, so I had an actual pot in my arms, lid held on with rubber bands, wrapped in a towel to keep it warm.

A dog went for it, very aggressively. He was on a leash, but the leash was so long it didn't help as much as I might have hoped. I was scared, and just tried to run backwards. I don't know why I didn't just drop the pot when he clawed at the towel around it.

It would have been scary but not surprising if the pot had been full of beef stew. Nope. It was braised cabbage with apples. It wasn't even pretending to be meat.

Stupid dog.
The other human got the dog under control eventually, and I got past them with no harm done (to me or the cabbage.)

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