Dear You,
I don't write here that much anymore. But I think of you every single day. Maybe it's just practice, but thinking of you, even though you're gone, doesn't hurt as much as it used to. The way my whole gut used to drop and my breath used to hitch in my throat when it slammed home that you were gone? That doesn't happen anymore. Maybe I'm
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Your plans sound good to me, isn't it nice when you finally work out what you need to do? Are you looking for work similar to what you do now? (incidentally, theater job! jealous aha!)
If you need any tips on your veg growing I'm your girl! I grow my own veggies in the garden, I have done for a few years so I can probably help :)
The plans are vague, but it is nice to have a direction to go in. Work wise, I'll probably look for theatre work (ha, mostly because it's about all I am qualified to do. Not like I have my fallback of teaching English in Aus. And who wants to learn Finnish?). Tbh, I'm pretty cool with any kind of work if I get to go surfing on sunday mornings.
Be prepared for me to pick your brain. I grew great tomatoes back home in Aus, but they're just not doing so well here. I think it's probably still too early and cold for them, to be honest. I wish we had the space for a full on veggie garden. I'm a bit jealous, actually. Home grown veggies can't be topped.
Pick away. I'm happy to try to help :) I put together my own veg pallet garden a few summers ago and you're right nothing beats home grown veg! One day I'd also like my own chickens to source fresh eggs (happy chickens lay the tastiest eggs) but I haven't got around to building a coop yet, the pallet garden takes up a lot of space too. I'd have to sacrifice some veggies to make room :/
Where are you from anyway? Surely there's a summer. :P
Mmmmm, fresh eggs. You are totally right about the happy chooks part. My Grandma used to have a bunch of chooks in her backyard and those were the BEST omelettes I have ever had. Maybe convince your neighbour to keep the chickens. Then you could totally trade your home grown veggies for their eggs. Win?
Oh we have a summer in England but it is all of six days long and varies in its arrival time. The official summer months (in theory!) are when people come down to the coast for all those cool surf-y holidays etc. I'd spend more time doing the same except I work in the city (really keep meaning to learn something new and funky like surfing or snowboarding, the fact that I refer to those things as 'funky' is a large clue that I'm not cut out for either), I'm hoping to move closer to the city if I get my apprenticeship also, so I practically live in a concrete jungle all of the time :( point is; Go For It! I wish you all the best with getting where you need to be to feed the soul.
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