So last year some time, Matt and I were dueling in Warcraft for fun. Out in Elwynn Forest. Long story short, I got killed. The way a duel works in WoW, you fight an opponent and the first one to drop to 1 hit point left loses. Well, I died because AS SOON as Matt got his final blow on me, a level 6 Murloc (this is the funny yet pathetic part) aggro'd onto my level 60 Mage and killed me. It was hilarious.
Anyways, one of our friends from Guild Wars and WoW has been making videos and she entered a contest for "best death in a game" and wanted to do this fight between Matt and I. So a couple of weeks ago we went out to Elwynn and dueled each other for a while while she took videos to compile together as a re-enactment for this contest. The competition really sucks, so we think she has a good chance.
The website screwed up the authors on the videos, so she's not credited correctly right now. The video is
Elwynn Ambush. You can see a list of all the entries right about
Here. Anyways. Elythe is Matt, and Joachin is me. This is what Joachin looks like now, by the way.