The one on the
right is the coloring I'd like to get. I'll be looking into this more seriously in the next few days. The coloring of the
Royal Python that I'd like is called the "Desert Ghost" morph. Pretty cool looking.
Although, if I don't end up getting a snake that can live upwards of 30-40 years, the pet store apparently also has
Goliath Birdeating Spiders as well. Males only live for about 3-6 years, while the females can live for up to 14. Only thing is that while it may be difficult, I can find a petstore that raises their pythons on feeder-mice. Which, basically, are mice that are killed and frozen. About a half hour before feeding the snake, I'd just have to thaw it out in warm water and then feed it. If a pet store doesn't raise the snake like that before I buy it, I won't be able to do it. Gotta stick with what they were raised on. However, if I go the spider route, I can't give them feeder-mice. Goliath Spiders gotta eat them things live. I really doubt I'd have a problem with it, but I know certain people that would. The videos I saw of the spider feeding wasn't majorly disturbing, but you can hear the mouse squeaking and all that as the spider attacks it. Python is a constrictor. A live mouse can't make much noise when it's chest is being compressed like that. Besides, I'm not sure how often the spiders eat, but the snake is only once a week.