Jan 14, 2009 13:30
well i technically passed my server training - all that is left is the test test and i hopefully will have the same outcome with that. im thinking about going up there in a bit and studying with the film slides they have just to brush up on it. there is no way that i can let happen again what happened last time. not succeeding isnt really an option here. the good thing is atleast i have arranged things to where i have a job still if things go badly, but i just hope they dont get to that point. i think im going to have 2 study sessions today and really try to just sit at home again and study. its just one nite and i really need to get this like its nobody's biz.
practice the other nite with chris and john was really good. the song we are currently working on is coming together nicely. there is alot of dynamics potential just in this one piece. i figure a song every two practices is a good pace - they're not perfect by any means but they are there more or less from start to finish. whether or not i want to or not, singing and playing at the same time is going to be required here and i definately need the practice of it. i need to get a guitar and start practicing again. its a really nice feeling when you start to get the hang of it but its been nearly a year since i felt somewhat fluent in singing and playing at the same time. since austin really. i think that will probably be the first musical toy that i buy - a decent accoustic. once i for sure pass training, i might make a list of things that i can set money aside for and start obtaining for musackicans. tha would be cool.
today is errand day