starting out on number 11

Jan 25, 2012 22:07

Lemme see...David Bowie...Pink Floyd...Spastic Ink...right, that makes 83 now. I reckon that'll do for now.
Computer, pick a number between 1 and 83!

Computer: 11

Ooh, 11! What's band number 11 on my list?....

Awesome. Overkill. Okay, I'll talk about them a bit. Although I don't really know that much about them. So I may as well not say anything. yeah. I won't.
I have exactly one album of this band, which is The Years Of Decay (woohoo, came out in the year I was born!!) but they are one of the older generation of thrash metal.
...oh, apparently, they're still going. Well, that one album I did get of them was damn near perfect in every single way possible.

Review! Overkill:

Genre: Thrash
Vocals: 9/10.  I struggle to see how they can get any better. Maybe they'll sound a bit screechy after a while though. The thing is that in thrash metal, nobody cares about the voice. Well, maybe sometimes. We're here for the riffs.
Riffs: 9/10. <3333
Lyrical content: 8/10 KILLLLLLL <33
Solos: 8/10 I actually can't remember how any of them go. I'm going to assume they were pretty good. They were better than Kerry King, that's for sure. But then who isn't? :p

And song. I'd usually go for Time To Kill or Elimination, but I'm in a positive-negative mood right now (i.e. a positive way of being negative) so we'll go for this one. Maybe just because of the intro alone.

image Click to view

...sorry, Twilight Sparkle, I know you disapprove. :p

Huh. Great. Now I want to listen to the whole bleeding album all over again.
I'm gonna do that.

thrash, overkill, metal, review, music

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