Oct 29, 2004 13:04
Yes that's right another bright promising young mind has sucumbed to the bullshit being offered by the liberal media.
You remember that story about those documents CBS was planning on running right?
The ones that were latter shown to be forgeries? It seems that some people actually believe either those documents weren't faked despite the MANY facts to the contrary and that CBS DIDN'T know that or was simply incompentent.
*Insert hysterical laughter here*
*wipes tears away*
Yes that's right folks, a BILLION dollar company that not for the first time mind you, has now managed to persuade the more gullible and stupid among us that they weren't planning anything wrong, they're just STUPID.
It would be funny if it wasn't so sad.
Remember folks there is a difference between being dumb and being ignorant. The former are sad people but it's the latter that are truly dangerous. You can give them facts all day long and they'll stay with their heads in the sand based on one lonesome Moore-esque opinion.
Because they're ignorant no matter how many degrees they may have or how high their IQ tests.
Remember that and you too will live a long and healthy life free from ulcers.