Georgia Council for the Arts

Apr 15, 2010 15:21

At the meeting of the Board of Directors of South Arts on April 15, 2010, the following resolution was proposed and approved by the Board:


WHEREAS the mission of South Arts is to strengthen the South through advancing excellence in the arts, connecting the arts to key state and national policies and nurturing a vibrant quality of life;

WHEREAS the arts are integral to the robust economic, social, cultural and educational vitality of the South;

WHEREAS South Arts supports the work of our state arts agency partners;

WHEREAS the Board of Directors of South Arts is in full support of the mission and work of the Georgia Council for the Arts;

And WHEREAS the State of Georgia’s investment in Georgia Council for the Arts, a necessary partner and catalyst in the nonprofit and public arts economy, leverages Federal, regional, state, and local resources, both public and private;


BE IT RESOLVED that South Arts hereby requests that the Georgia General Assembly reinstate the Georgia Council for the Arts and return the budget allocation to the amount originally requested in the Governor’s budget for FY2011 for the benefit of the citizens of Georgia.

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government, arts, work, georgia

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