1st Debate

Oct 04, 2012 00:20

So, while I don't think anybody "won" tonight's debate, Romney definitely had the most energy and command over the debate from the very beginning and overall did a surprisingly good job despite a lot of good blows delivered from both sides.

What I'm hearing from Romney is a lot about what his plan isn't. Not very much about what his plan is. Any idiot can make promises on what they will or won't do, it's showing *how* you plan to do it that really matters. He wants to "repeal and replace" everything yet keep the same promises Obama made in 2008 without showing specifically HOW he would do that. Obama, on the other hand, makes a good point in saying that he supports anything from either side of the aisle that can be shown to keep those promises to the American people. And that statement's been backed up by evidence of what he's done over the past 4 years. I think this is a key difference between Obama and Romney.

Romney makes good points over what hasn't been accomplished in this country, and the shortcomings of the Obama years during his first term. Many of the same criticisms have been being made by the left, too, however there were some good arguments specifically from the right. However, a lot of good points Romney makes on the economy solely depend on the effect of creating jobs and growing the economy, which none of his policies have been shown to accomplish in any reasonable studies. Sure, it might work, but we need to have a good economy first before making those huge changes. Otherwise, it could be horribly damaging as the past has shown.

I still think Obama stands out as the more presidential of the two. This is due to him keeping his cool and holding his punches, throwing in tasteful humor and a clear message. While Romney basically threw out everything in his campaign before tonight, got defensive when flaws were pointed out in his statements, and made statements like that he wants to cut public funding for the very debate he's in. (Yes, Romney basically said he wouldn't have this debate exist in the first place and wants to fire the moderator. I'm sure that went over very well for the audience.)

I hope that Obama learned his lesson in this debate and he strengthens his courage in confrontation. Obama was way too timid, which is rather uncharacteristic of him. He needs to get his groove back. I expect to see him improve in the following debates.

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