Getting me out of my doldrums.

Oct 29, 2007 17:55

Insight: One of the biggest reasons i don't get on and do much in my life, is i have no sense of the future, no idea what's around the corner, even within a week. I don't seem to be in the habit of making definite plans, then seeing them through. Sometimes this means i go weeks without seeing much of anyone, with no entertainment of stimulation whatsoever outside of the net.

Somewhat depressing, and hardly healthy.

So lets make plans, who wants to see me? i'm available tonight, tomorrow night, pretty much every day in fact for now. Only days off are Sunday and Monday. We can watch DVDs, play games, have dinner. I just want to see people, and feel good.
I'll check for comments, or text me on 07890 440 352

Oh, and can anybody lend me some washing up bowls and/or an electric drill?
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