Apr 06, 2006 08:31
i just want to give myself kudos for being able to read 3/4 of a book on social movements and the state in peru yesterday, get drunk, get high, sleep for 4 hours, finish reading said book this morning, and write 4 pages of a 5 page book review. i'm way ahead of schedule. the paper's not due until 11am! i'm good. oh i'm goooooood.
the book was actually really interesting. i really thoroughly enjoy studying politics. it was a good choice as a major. i need to have politics friends. i have gender/sexuality friends that i can be nerdy with, i have pre-med/science friends that i can be nerdy with, but i don't have anyone who studies politics that i can be nerdy with.
k...now i need to come up with a page of bullshit because i'm out of substantive things to say. isn't that always the case?
my stomach hurts from the massive amounts of food that i ate last night. that and i'm a bit anxious about my paper