films: sex and the single girl, his girl friday, an education

Aug 27, 2010 02:00

Reviews: the rocking females edition

Sex and the Single Girl

Rating: 3

This is a very light, fun movie.  The kind of thing Down with Love parodying (spelling?).  I think I've only ever seen one movie with each of the leads before this one (West Side Story, Some Like it Hot) but from this I can say that Tony Curtis bugs me and Natalie Wood is just sort of there.  But surprise!Bachal and Fonda is always appreciate (unless it's Jane Fonda; that bitch be cra-cra).

His Girl Friday

Rating: 4

This is a rare case when a dramatic semi-action plot in the middle of a romantic comedy actually kind of worked for me.  The portrayal of newspaper life was generally interesting throughout the movie.

But oh, Ralph Bellamy.  I love RB, folks.  And he definitely brings everything there is to love about him to his role as the jilted fiance.  The Grant/Bellamy dynamic is one that I think is still capitalized on today in any male.female/male love triangle.

In Education

Rating: 3.5

I really liked this, but I wouldn't watch it again.  Very well-made, just not the kind of story I'd turn to for a good time.

But I definitely enjoyed it enough o do an extended actor breakdown:

Carey Mulligan

I was already excited for Never Let Me Go but now I can't wait.  I think she will be great as cathy.  He work here is also great; I was expected something naive and not nearly so sassy.  I am so interested in where her career goes.

Peter Sarsgaard

I'm pretty sure Garden State is the only thing I'd seen him in before, and I was very impressed with him here.  He toed the line between savior and sleeze very nicely, such that I wasn't sure if I liked him or not the entire movie.

Alfred Molina

AMo was heartbreaking in this movie.  The scene oward the end, when he brings the cookies and tea to Jenny's room and starts talking about the CS Lewis thing...he made the role so relatable right there, with his regret and reproach and hurt feelings.

Other Highlights:

Emma Thompson, you are not even in this movie.

Surprise!Dominic Cooper.  Playing a grown-up, too!  I really like him, but again with the awful choices in roles.  THIS, however, was a very good fit for him, with all the moral ambiguity.

Olivia Williams, where have you BEEN, girl?  Rushmore is my least favorite Wes Anderson film, but you were so perfect in that role, and I've been waiting for you to be in something else and it turns out you've been doing, like, tv movies for the bbc or some shit?  MAKE A REAL MOVIE!  I'll go see it!

Wicked step mom from You've Got Mail was great as the mother.

Rosamund Pike!  You were so good!

That Graham kid was really cute in the high school boy fashion.  According to imdb he'll be in Hippie Hippie Shake, which I am intrigued by.

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