Study Abroad Questionnaire

Oct 22, 2007 20:29

If you have studied at Tsuda College, Obirin University 桜美林大学, Sophia University, Nagoya University or Asia University I want to know your answers!!! (Other universities are accepted also if you wander upon this...)
Japanese or English Welcome! 答えは日本語や英語です!両方はいいです!

Study Abroad Questionnaire ・留学アンケート
Dear study abroad students,
Receiver of one of the Freeman-Asia scholarships, my name is Adria from Western Washington University and for one of my service projects I am collecting information on different study abroad programs and universities in Japan. The information collected will be compiled and used to help students that are researching the right school and program to study abroad in Japan.

Please take a few minutes to fill out this questionnaire, you can just write a sentence or two for each question, or as much as you want. When done, please e-mail back the results to( japanish _ girl@ ) as soon as possible.


このアンケートのためにお時間を割いていただきありがとうございます。回答は短くても長くてもけっこうです。アンケートは に添付で送ってください。よろしくおねがいします。

Basic Information 基本情報
-Name 名前:
-Age 年齢:
-Sex 性別: Male男,  Female女
-E-mail/Contact Info メールアドレスや連絡先:
-Online Blog or Journal (If you kept a blog, journal, or picture site while you were abroad, please share the web address)

-Can we share your name and e-mail information with students interested in studying abroad? (If yes: a student may try to contact you about your experience, if no: only your answers will be shared)

-Nationality 国籍:
-Native Language 母語:
-Major 専攻:
-Home university and location 出身大学と場所:
-University attended in Japan/Program name 留学先の大学とプログラム名前:
-Date of study abroad 留学期間月日:
-Length of stay in Japan 日本滞在期間:
-Home stay experience/ Months-weeks 日本人家庭のホームステイ経験:

The University 日本の大学

-Why did you study abroad in Japan and at the university you attended? Please explain why you picked the university that you did.

-Were you able to choose your living situation? What was offered? (e.g. dorm, home stay, apartment) Explain a little about facilities, travel time to school, eating situation, communication with home stay family/neighbors. 生活のスタイル(例:寮、ホームステイ、アパート)大学施設、通学時間、食事のスタイルを少し説明してください:

-Please describe the campus, classrooms, international/foreign office, gym etc. 校内、教室、国際交流オフィス、ジムについて書いて下さい:

-Please describe the city and area surrounding the school. Please include information about things you did and did not like, favorite places to go, things to do (e.g. Izakaya, Karaoke places, restaurants).

Classes and Japanese 授業と日本語

-How many years (or hours) have you studied Japanese? 日本語学習歴、何年何ヶ月日本語を勉強しましたか?:

-About what Japanese level were you at when you entered your school? When leaving? Are you satisfied with how much you learned? 留学前の日本語能力はどの程度でしたか?帰国する時どのくらい上達しましたか?自分の日本語能力に満足していますか?

-During your study abroad what classes (Japanese and other) did you take, and how were they? (Workload, teachers, recommended classes) 留学している間何の授業(日本語と他)をとりましたか?どうでしたか?(宿題、教師、おすすめの授業を教えてください。:

-Of the classes you took, when credits transferred back to your school?  とった授業から何単位もらいましたか?その単位は在籍大学にうつせましたか?:

-Please write about your Japanese class a little. How many students were in your class, what were your teachers like and what books or resources did you use? 日本語の授業について少し書いてください。クラスは何人ですか、先生はどうですか、教科書の名前や他のリソースは何ですか?

-Do you have any study tips or information about Japanese improvement?  日本語を上達させるための良い勉強方法や情報はありますか?:


-Did you join any clubs or sports? If so what and how was it? クラブ活動やスポーツをしていましたか。どうでしたか?:

-What activities at your school did you participate in? Did it help you meet students or people in your community? If not in these activities, then where did you meet people? 何学校のアクテビテイに参加しましたか?他の学生や地域の人に会いましたか?これらの活動に参加していないのなら、どこで人々に会いましたか?:

Other Questions 他の質問

-Any good or bad experiences you want to share? どんな良い経験や悪い経験がありましたか?:

-Anything you were disappointed in or expected to be different? 何か不満や思っていたのと違った事はありますか?

-When in Japan, about how much money did you spend? (Tuition, housing and school or personal) Where there any unexpected costs? 日本でいくらお金を使いましたか?(授業料、家賃、雑費など)予期せぬ出費はありましたか?:

-Was it easy or hard to meet Japanese people? Do you have any suggestions? 日本人に会うことは難しかったですか?簡単でしたか?何か提案はありますか?:

-Did you experience any culture shock or difficult things to overcome? カルチャーショックや克服するのが難しかったことがありましたか?:

-Anything you recommend before coming to Japan or studying abroad? 留学前にしたほうがいいことはありますか?

-If you would like to say anything else, or thought of a question people who would be studying abroad would be interested in please include it now. 他の情報や言いたいことや留学している学生が興味があるような質問があったら書いてください。(他の留学生にしたい質問はありますか):

THANKYOU for taking the time and energy to fill out this questionnaire! I really appreciate it!
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