I feel like I should thank a gazillion wonderful people for this story. This damn thing gave me nightmares, for some reason *scratches head*
I’ll start with
reapertownusa, you were one hell of a brave soldier, bringing this event to life and as a moderator, you were everything that us, nerved-wrecked artists and writers could ever hope for. Thank you for putting this together for us and doing it with such grace and art. You rock!
To my artist, who graciously decorated this story with her pretty images and whom, on an early stage, held my hand reading through what I had and assured me that it wasn’t puke-inducing.
liliaeth, thank you so much for your collaboration.
amber1960, once again you’ve come to rescue my bacon at the last hour. Thank you so much for your alpha-reading, beta-reading and half of the Greek alphabet of pure awesomeness!
jackfan2... dude! Another bites the dust! WE DID IT!! You were all kinds of awesome in this story, pulling me off the edge every time I wanted to throw it in the garbage and be done with it. There’s a lot of you in this tale, all the awesome parts, in my opinion. Thank you!
To everyone in my Flist that suffered through my nervous break downs over this story, THANK YOU SO MUCH! You guys rock!
All I have left to say is that I know this is not an easy story to read and, if you managed to get this far, you’re a hero in my book. All the good stuff, I owe to the people cited above; all remaining crappiness and mistakes are mine, because I either ignored what they advised me or was too much asleep to get it right ;)