I hope everyone has had a wonderful and peaceful Christmas! Mine was surprisingly busy, but for all of the right reasons... I had a blast!
Also,I absolutely squeeeed! when I came online and saw the lovely pressies that were waiting for me SQUEEEEE!
splitbeak ,
xwacky ,
putu2sleep and
jackfan2 , this is for you
Thank you so much!!
And now, a question. I started writing a christmasy story, fully intended on posting it on Christmas day, but, well... flu happened and the story got stuck. My question is :::: how late is too late to post a christmas story when christmas day is well and over?
Here's a little taste of it ;)
One of them was limping and using the other, a giant of a man, for support, not only to make the few steps, but mainly to keep himself upright. His face was bruised, dark shadows spreading beneath each eye and what looked like a recently broken nose standing in the middle in colors of vivid red. His upper lip had a couple of stitches as decoration, as did his left eyebrow.
Whoever that guy had pissed off, the beating had been nothing short of brutal.
The guy looked so fragile and beaten that, honestly, the only thing worse that could walk through that door other than those two was a pregnant woman ridding a donkey.
"We'd like a room for the night," the giant said as he slapped a credit card on the counter.