Title: Meet Me In The Dream Of This Hard Land
adrenalin211Characters/Pairings: Kate/Sawyer pairing, Juliet, Jack (mentions of Claire, Hurley, Locke)
Rating: Adult content
Summary: Kate and Sawyer, snippets throughout seasons 1-4
Word Count: 1,700ish, give or take
Author’s notes: Under the cut
Wasn’t nobody on the island more like him than Kate )
I really love Sawyer's first internal monologue, about how he went from only focusing on himself and on survival and Kate being just a pretty face to realizing that he and Kate had a lot more of a connection, and that there "wasn’t nobody on the island more like him than Kate."
Kate resting her chin on Sawyer's shoulder was so cute! And I love the description of him feeling like "muscle and strong pulse." I also loved this line: "She tries to concentrate on the bandage but his eyes are something you can’t steer clear of." The way you phrased that was epic.
The way he looks at her makes her think she’s the only person on this island he cares about. ♥! So cute! My heart seriously leapt when I read that line.
I LOVE the lines you use to characterize Sawyer: "that face he sometimes gives when he knows you aren’t gonna let him alone ‘til you get what you came for," "the fresh sweat of him" and "messy scruff and dimples," and "long muscle and exterior swagger." You're so talented at putting together words and phrases and making everything sound so poetic.
She’s scratched the surface once or twice now and found nothing but real underneath. This is one of the most awesome lines I've ever read.
Her breath hitches when he gets inside. She moves ‘round ‘til she’s good and settled and he’s gonna lose control in seconds if she don’t stop with that. ZOMG so hot.
Later she’s in his arms sleeping and he’s thinking how, if she don’t wanna go another round before sun-up, he’d be content just sittin’ here with the crickets, fingers twined ‘round her hair. I just melted from the adorable.
They coulda been yellow suburban houses and porch swings and baby cradles and they coulda seen the life he could never have back home. Picturing these images in my head made me all smushy, but so sad for Sawyer at the same time because he wouldn't be able to experience that.
I liked the connection between the ending lines of the second and fifth parts- going from "She's not going anywhere" to "Don't leave me." And the last section just made me want to hug Sawyer so hardcore.
Thank you so, so much for posting this up here! It makes me so happy to be able to read more of your writing. *hugs*
Yeah, wasn't her 24 fic AMAZING? I don't know how she did that! Gah. I want to be her when I write. Or leigh57
I'm so glad you enjoyed this, even though you don't watch! Thanks SO much for picking out what you liked and letting me know what worked for you. Particularly BECAUSE you don't watch, the fact that you even had a clue what was going on was helpful knowledge and made me feel slightly better about this. Lol.
Also? You're so sweet to read this and take the time to comment when you obviously don't care about the characters... not knowing them and all. LOL.
Anyway. Thanks so much. &hearts
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