no tongue's drier than mine, i'll come when i get back (rp for corporatewolf)

Feb 16, 2010 12:17

(Backdated to Valentine's Day 'cause slow mun iz slow. :p)It took every last one of her feminine charms, but with a little effort and a lot of sex, she managed to keep Ash so distracted he couldn't make plans for Valentine's Day. She'd even tracked down his assistant and asked her to keep his schedule clear and derail any attempts he might make to ( Read more... )

who: ashley cromwell, roleplay: tenebrae nostro, what: valentine's day, verse: tenebrae nostro

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adreamto_rise February 22 2010, 18:00:47 UTC
"Keep dreaming, Tiger." she giggled, gently twisting her wrists free of his grip. Pushing him back lightly, she shifted to sit sideways on his lap, stealing a kiss as she did.

"Firstly, if there's motion on the ocean, the driver will know what we're doing, and I'll have to die of embarrassment." she explained practically, smoothing her hands over his shoulders, watching the little paths her fingers traced over the buttery soft fabric of his typically expensive suit. "And secondly, we both need to save our energy. If I waste it all now, your present could suffer."

Which was truth. More than once, she'd done it before a show and lacked a little something onstage. Early on, she had figured out the difference between a remarkable performance and a merely satisfactory one: wanting it. Dancing lost its urgency, its edge when she strutted out onstage, glowing with satisfaction. When she lacked that hunger, that genuine need to be touched, to be taken, she never shone quite as bright.

She wanted Ashely to see her at her best...wanted to leave him in a pool of his own lustful drool when all was said and done.

Just the idea of it made her grin as she stole another kiss.


corporatewolf February 23 2010, 17:41:26 UTC
His brow slowly rose over his bright eyes. He'd need his energy for what she had planned. God he hoped so. "How much longer until I get this present?" Ashley shifted under her weight, clearly he was already getting a little worked up. "Not sure I can wait much longer."

Far as he was concerned he had his present sitting in his lap. He didn't need anything else, just her.


adreamto_rise February 23 2010, 18:18:04 UTC
"Fortunately not long, we're very close." she grinned, kissing the tip of his nose playfully as she toyed with his collar. Letting her forehead rest against his amicably, she fiddled with laying it flat, then flipping it up, buttoning and unbuttoning the top button of his shirt in an easy, familiar fashion. She enjoyed touching him, owning him in these private little moments she didn't share with anyone else.

"I do hope you're hungry, though, because food is involved...and you're to do exactly as I say when we arrive at the present's location." she instructed with a smirk. "Deviation from these rules will result in the premature exposure of your present, and as such, forfeit of said present. Agreed?"


corporatewolf February 23 2010, 19:41:08 UTC
Letting his eyes close and his head fall back against the seat, Ash sighed. Defeated. "Agreed."

Yeah he was hungry, but not for food. "You better be on the fucking menu." It was Valentine's. He had better be getting his girl as dessert.


adreamto_rise February 23 2010, 20:48:14 UTC
Beaming, Anne followed him, laying her head against his shoulder as his head fell back, curling more securely into him as her forehead pressed perfectly into the line of his neck.

"Sweetie, the day I'm not on the menu is the day I'm six feet underground." she sighed happily, poking his stomach ticklishly. "And even then, I'm yours if you're feeling ghoulish and kinky. We should discuss that, you know...if I'm truly mated to you for life, we ought to get married. It's really the most logical thing."


corporatewolf February 23 2010, 21:03:00 UTC
"Married?" He'd thought about it. A lot. There had been a ring in that black box she opened until he rationalized that it was too soon and he was insane. "You don't think it's a little....soon for that?" Clearing his throat his eyes opened and he looked at her with all seriousness. "Not that I am saying its too soon for me. I just- really? Married?"


adreamto_rise February 23 2010, 21:35:44 UTC
"It's the only practical thing to do." she pointed out calmly as she lifted her head just enough to meet his gaze. "You were very clear that if we made love, you were mated to me for life. Granted, I'm not so bound, but I do feel it a bit...that pull. And my kind mate for life, so once we've been mated in the eyes of my people, a legal marriage is reasonable, if a bit redundant."

She paused, smiling just a little sheepishly as she bumped her nose against his. "I have to confess, I'm not asking so much as informing. It's going to happen, sweetie. A long engagement is perfectly fine with me, if you're more comfortable that way. My family might even prefer it...what about yours? Oni and everyone?"


corporatewolf February 23 2010, 21:41:08 UTC
He snorted at that. "Oni will love a long engagement. More time to be a shit about it." Yeah that comment he made to Logan on their wedding day was going to come back to bite him in the ass. He could feel it in his bones.

"It is, huh." Ash teased her. "You asking me then?"


adreamto_rise February 23 2010, 22:08:49 UTC
"Only if I get to buy you an engagement ring." she giggled, nuzzling his cheek. "Otherwise? Sorry, buster, but you're just going to have to be traditional and get down on one knee."

Just then the limo began to slow. Picking up on it, Anne cursed the driver's timing and kissed Ashley's chin quickly before sliding off his lap and moving across the limo to tap on the driver's partition. When it lowered just a crack, she peeked out and saw they were on the street they needed...about five minutes from the club.

Taking a deep breath to calm her suddenly jittery stomach, she drew away as the partition slid up again and moved back to Ashley's side, forsaking his lap to straighten herself back out. "We're almost there."


corporatewolf February 24 2010, 14:22:45 UTC
"You really want that? To marry me?" He was a little surprised to hear it actually. Cocky as he may be he's spent a long time alone. Hell, this whole having real friends thing was still pretty strange for him. Ash had people in his life because of his money. Most people didn't want much else from him and he'd learned not to give much more then just that.

With his hands resting on her thighs he could all but feel the excited tension thrumming through her body. Anne was electric. She felt more then just alive in his hands.


adreamto_rise February 24 2010, 15:59:50 UTC
"With a prenup, of course...I'm not marrying you for your money." she replied breezily, smiling as she leaned in and bumped her nose affectionately against his cheek, unconsciously echoing his thoughts. "But the short answer is simple: I'd have to be crazy not to want to marry you, Ashley Savery."

Shortly after, the limo slowed and came to a stop. Turning to Ashley, Anne beamed like an excited little girl, all but bouncing in her seat.

"Okay, before you get out," she explained, "remember a little while back when I got so excited because a Scores was opening here in LA?"


corporatewolf February 24 2010, 16:47:01 UTC
You might think that a man in Ashley’s position would be thrilled to hear the words prenup come up, to not be the one to have to bring that and his attorney’s to the table. If you thought that you would be wrong. He didn’t really like the idea. It was like planning for disaster. Yeah, he probably should plan for bad things to happen, but he was a little old fashioned about this. What is mine is yours. For better or worse.

A prenup felt like he was saying, I hope this works out, but a part of me thinks it won’t. Ashley didn’t like that.

“No. No prenup. I don’t want it.”

He nodded. “Yeah, I think I recall that…” Of course he did. She was adorable when she got all pumped up and excited. Ashley had half expected her to jump up and down on the bed. Which he wouldn’t have protested one bit. Turning his head he smirked when he saw the sign.

“That’s my present? You're taking me to a strip club?”

He was sold. Ashley was going to marry this girl.


adreamto_rise February 24 2010, 17:11:00 UTC
Anne opened her mouth to argue, but closed it fairly swiftly. She didn't want to argue about it tonight, and she really wanted Ash to propose soon. She was close enough to engaged for the moment, however, to table the discussion for later.

Instead, she opened the door with a grin and watched his face as he saw the sign. Beaming, she nodded and leaned in to kiss him.

"I'm taking us to a strip club. You forget, I enjoy the view just as much as you do." she teased, nipping at his lower lip. "Come on, I reserved a table stageside."


corporatewolf February 24 2010, 18:57:28 UTC
He did forget that more often then he remembered. The way she looked at him and touched him made it hard to think about her being like that with women. Not that it bothered him, he just couldn’t picture it.

As they walked into the club he had taken his phone from his pocket and sent a message to Chrissy. Call my jeweler. Go pick up the one I put back. Needed it like ten minutes ago.

It didn’t matter that it was Valentine’s or a Sunday. What he wanted he got. Ashley was sort of like that bitchy dragon lady in The Devil Wears Prada, though he was sure he paid better. Chrissy would get a fat bonus for going out of her way for her boss. Tucking the phone away he smirked at her and kissed her when she nipped his lip. “Lead the way, doll.”


adreamto_rise February 24 2010, 21:03:18 UTC
"Leading the way...and taking this!" Anne chirped, slipping her hand into his pocket to retrieve his cell phone. Before he could protest, she held up a restraining hand, busying herself with altering some of the settings before she stopped in the middle of the entry and handed it back to him.

"The other night while you were sleeping, I took the liberty of downloading a particularly loathsome and humiliating ringtone to your phone." she informed him breezily. "And your ringer volume is set to high. Now I won't tell you what's on there, but if you have any business calls coming in to interrupt our night, I suggest you take ten minutes to ensure they don't come, or else you'll find out just what evil thing I put there."

Beaming, she slipped her hand in his and led him along again. "Now...let's get our table." Stopping by the doorman, she waved. "Hi, Forsythe, party of two?"

"Forsythe...yes, right here. This way, Mrs. Forsythe."

"Oh, it's still Miss, but the mistake is a compliment, I promise." she laughed, pulling Ashley eagerly along.


corporatewolf February 24 2010, 21:23:38 UTC
Ashley just laughed. "You are a shithead." He snickered as he retrieved his phone and set to work on turning everything to silent. Except his text messages. Those would vibrate, he needed to tell Chrissy where to make the delivery.

Giving a tug on her hand he stopped her short, leaning over to whisper in her ear. "But I love you, so it's okay."


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