Coffee and conversation [rp for lookoutearth]

Jun 14, 2009 20:10

It was crazy to make a coffee date with a boy that lived in Cincinnati...unless the one making the date was Anne Forsythe ( Read more... )

who: aaron davis, roleplay: crack bendytime fun

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lookoutearth June 15 2009, 17:44:19 UTC
OOC: It was running off the page! Ahhh. Hope you don't mind! Also, TEH CUTE IS KILLING ME.

Aaron made a face of mild disgust, snorting, "The Guardians of the Stones. How original. I bet there are at least five porns with the same name. Don't they know?" He chuckled under his breath.

When she gave his arm a pat, he playfully tickled her shoulder. "Good to know. I'd like to think I smell quite nice." He smiled, tilting his head in thought. "Well, my immediate family are my parents, two sisters and a little brother, but we're long time family friends of the Wash Clan. It's basically a clusterfuck of Wash-Davis spawn that hang out far too much."


adreamto_rise June 15 2009, 19:01:24 UTC
OOC: Not at all! I suck at remembering to rethread. And OMG, I KNOW RIGHT?!?! I want to pinch their cheeks and pat them on their heads. :P

Giggling, Anne nodded in agreement. "They're a miserable group, purists. They feel we're a disgrace to the bloodline. Not all werewolves are as open minded as you and yours, I suppose."

When he talked about his family, Anne smiled at the way his face opened up and relaxed some. There was a lot of love there, she could tell. It warmed her to know that, if nothing else, Aaron's clan was a lot like hers.

"Sounds a lot like my family." she admitted with a soft laugh. "Let's see...two sisters, one brother, my grandfather, four aunts, five uncles, and more cousins than I can count. And that's just my adopted family."


lookoutearth June 15 2009, 22:47:20 UTC
"A few of us don't think our genetics are that big of a deal, we just live day by day. We are who we are, and it's important not to let the werewolf inside you become who you are." He nodded almost sagely, it had taken him years to come to that conclusion but when he did, it opened many doors for him.

Aaron smiled brightly when she spoke of her family, "Wow. That is quite the family. It's nice to grow up in a large family that understands you, which is what I love about my family."

Sighing contently, he glanced out at the lake, his fingers idly rubbing her shoulder. He had given up on finding someone long ago, but this date gave him a tiny flicker of hope. He could only hope she felt the same way, regardless of their animalistic instincts.


adreamto_rise June 15 2009, 22:53:16 UTC
"I got very lucky, both ways." she agreed with a nod. "My biological family was small, but very loving...Mother, Dad, and two brothers. The Walkers, my family now, have always been very accepting and supportive. They sometimes make it hard to remember I'm not actually a blood relation, it's wonderful."

An easy silence fell shortly after that, and it was very natural for her to rest her head against his shoulder. Animal instinct was hardly a problem for her at the moment, although it had been an impossibly long time since the last time she'd gotten laid. He was cute, built like a brick house, and he was very sweet...but there was something very appealing about just sitting there, breathing him in and feeling the quiet contentment that came from a warm body and a picturesque view.

After a few minutes, she shifted closer and settled her head more comfortably against his shoulder with a smile. "'re cuddly." she observed, peering up at him with a playful smirk.


lookoutearth June 15 2009, 23:04:27 UTC
Aaron chuckled to himself, "The Wash's just had no choice but to put up with me and my siblings, really. I'm pretty sure I ate them out of house and home everytime I was over there." He grins wide, shaking his head. Those days were always amusing.

It was natural for Aaron to show his affection, because he immediately liked her. He enjoyed her company, he enjoyed the way she smiled and the way she giggled. It was refreshing to have someone next to you.

A small smile came to his lips as he squeezed her, "Just like an old dog." He nuzzled the top of her head with a playful growl. "You're nice and cuddly too, actually." He gave her a wink.


adreamto_rise June 15 2009, 23:21:04 UTC
Giggling as his growl vibrated against the top of her head, she drew back enough to look him in the face, still playful as she poked his side ticklishly.

"Oh, I bet you say that to all the girls you bring here to neck with." she teased. "Bet you got those pretty muscles bench pressing the broken hearts trailing after you."


lookoutearth June 15 2009, 23:29:16 UTC
Wiggling against her assault on his side, he laughed out loud, grabbing at her fingers to try and get her to stop. Oddly enough he was ticklish!

"Neck with?" He chuckled lightly, "I actually haven't dated in a long time." He admitted with a pout.


adreamto_rise June 16 2009, 01:39:26 UTC
Easily evading him, she got a little more serious as she regarded him with a tilt of her head.

"You're putting me on." she challenged with a smile. "Face like that? You haven't been longer than a month without getting laid. C'mon, admit it."


lookoutearth June 16 2009, 01:43:10 UTC
"I wish I could say that I was joking, but it's been about year since I've been with someone." He shrugged, leaning in closer to her, taking in her scent. "How about you?"


adreamto_rise June 16 2009, 01:54:51 UTC
Sighing, Anne cocked her head to one side thoughtfully as she counted back. "Hmmm...not counting the last party I went to at the Playboy Mansion, because all we did was make out? I broke up with my last girlfriend after Christmas, so not since before the New Year."


lookoutearth June 16 2009, 01:59:06 UTC
Aaron raised a brow, "Girlfriend, eh? Not like there's anything wrong with it. You know, a mans wet dream and all, but why did you break up with her? If you don't mind me asking, that is." His fingers trailed along the back of her neck, idly playing with her hair.


adreamto_rise June 16 2009, 02:03:16 UTC
"Just grew apart." she replied, shrugging as she shut her eyes and made a quiet, pleased noise at the feel of his fingers toying with her hair. "I've always preferred men, anyway. She was a model for the magazine, and you know how they say never date a co-worker? Well..."

OOC: Hey, if you's on AIM? I'm controlfreakrulz if you ever wantsa chat about how FRICKING CUTE these two are. :P


lookoutearth June 16 2009, 02:12:23 UTC
When she closed her eyes, Aaron leaned in a pressed his lips to her cheek gently, with a small chuckle. "I learned that lesson years ago. Relationships like that always get messy." He smiled softly, "So, what exactly are you looking for in a partner?"

OOC: Yusss. My AIM name for him is TheWolfLawyer. Feel free to harass me :D!


adreamto_rise June 16 2009, 02:42:37 UTC
Anne tipped up into the brush of his lips just a little, but didn't turn her head. Not yet, because if she did she was pretty sure she'd kiss him...and she wasn't sure if she should.

Instead, she kept her eyes closed with a thoughtful pout. "Not sure...I think if I knew? I'd have found one already." she replied honestly. "I guess I just...haven't found the right person yet."


lookoutearth June 16 2009, 02:58:28 UTC
The way she gave her lips a pout made his heart race even more, he was having a hard enough time keeping his instincts together but the pout was what made him cave in.

Aaron took the plunge and leaned in to press his lips against hers, his hand cupping the side of her face in a delicate manner. He made it sweet and meaningful, or at least he tried.


adreamto_rise June 16 2009, 03:29:36 UTC
She felt his hand on her face, felt him turn her head...and then his lips were on hers, soft and sweet. This close, his scent was stronger, the taste of him on her lips a pleasant blend of coffee and something darker, inherently male. It aggravated that itch she hadn't scratched in far too long, made her more aware of the solid wall of muscle that was so close, right there for the taking...

The kiss broke naturally, but she didn't move, didn't open her eyes. For a moment she just sat there, breathing in his air and letting the delicious warmth of arousal and his body heat wash over her.

Then in spite of herself, she leaned forward just a little, nose brushing his before she found his mouth again and kissed him herself, sweet and careful and just a little bit harder than before as a soft, decidedly animal growl trilled in the back of her throat.


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