[charloft] (WED) What's in my purse

May 06, 2009 10:51

Anne's Purse by strutterms featuring Lanvin clutches

I know: you wouldn't think it to look at me.

Top and bottom are my makeup bag and my wallet, respectively. Clearly, you can see what I keep in those: makeup in my makeup bag, and in the wallet I have my concert ticket stubs, credit cards, and money.

My iPod is my pride and joy. Her name is Red. Yes, I'm very original. Anyway, I got her at work, she was a gift from someone in marketing. My phone is an LG Dare in a pink zebra cover, and the pen is Swarovski crystal. I'm an editor, I need a good red pen, or so my father told me when he gave it to me.

Let's see, I have gum, a hairbrush, a change purse, hand lotion, and a Swiss Army knife. You really can't go without one, I've learned. The envelope is stuffed with proofs I can edit longhand on my lunch hour, and the April issue of Playboy I have because I want to rub a co-worker's face in a mistake I caught. When I get done with him, he'll owe me passes to the White Party at the Mansion.

The clothes are for this afternoon. Some of the photographers have been asking me to pose again, so I agreed. I have an appointment at the salon, the shoot, and a meeting at the office so I'll change into my cutoffs and shirt for the shoot, then slip on the dress to head back in for the meeting. Hef will be there, so I can get away with a little casual since I'm pulling double duty today.

That's about it, really. Nothing else to see, folks.

Anne Forsythe
Original Character

what: playboy, what: modeling, from: charloft, what: my purse

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