[It's the middle of the night, barely a day after everyone's powers came back to normal. Everything should be okay now.
The silence of this night has been suddenly interrupted by a soft, barely audible sound. A sound of someone crying.
Everything should be okay now, so why is he crying? What happened?]
[his voice is
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[ tapping on his PDA to get the other boy's attention before he speaks up, so as not to startle him ] Ruca? [ He sounds oddly alert given the hour of the night. ] What's going on? Is there something I can help with?
N-no... I'm fine. [but he doesn't sound fine at all.] I-it was just another... bad dream. [It wasn't. It wasn't only a dream.] I-I'm sorry. I didn't mean to wake anyone up...
[Scraping sound of a chair being drawn out. Sounds like someone's settling in for the long haul.]
Do you mean you have already tried them before?
[The 'or...?' remains unsaid but implied.]
["it's just those aren't normal dreams". But he can't say that. Not now, anyway.]
[It's... Kinder this way. No guesses demanding a yes or no, just an offer to listen to whatever Ruca feels comfortable sharing.]
He's hesitating, if he should say something, or maybe he shouldn't say anything and just pretend it's all fine and there's no problem at all.]
I just mean... that nothing can help me... [he pauses.] No one can help me... those dreams I have are-- [he shakes his head, but it's not like Allen can even see that.] No, never mind.
[It's a memory, right? Perhaps dealing with it head-on is the way to go.]
[there's a long sigh on his end. No one could possibly understand this, because no one here was like him. He was pretty much alone with his repeating nightmares.]
[he hesitated again. Perhaps saying what are those dreams about wouldn't be a bad idea. He didn’t have to say all of this , of course. And it would in some way to reassure that, yes, it's only a dream, because there's no way he could have a memory like this.]
In those dreams... [ still, it’s hard to even say that and yet his voice sounds so oddly calm.] I'm dying.
[but of course, there is a possibility that it might backfire on him (which is why this is only for Allen to hear)]
...Dying? [ You called it a memory, though. Reasonably, but not unkindly: ] I can see how that would be upsetting, and I know I'm probably repeating something you're well aware of, but it was just a bad dream. Perhaps it'll fade if you try not to dwell on it?
And no, the memories of his past life are going to be following him around regardless if he's dwelling on them or not.
And he is actually trying not to think about them! He's not Asura, that memory shouldn't bother him that much. And yet it does.]
If it only was that easy...
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