why do some (gay) boys feel the need to...

Apr 16, 2004 18:21

* refer to themselves as "bois?"
* wear wife beaters with jeans, as if that is a complete outfit?
* think they are hot with that von dutch tote and that faux-hawk?
* talk shit about someone and then sleep with them?
* wear obscene amounts of jewelery, aka pearls, gold and danglie earings? (fyi: if girls cant get away with it, neither can you.)
* claim they work for these major so n so's, when they are really just a fucking intern who gets coffee. (by the way, that rolex was sooo fake)
* walk like a model when really Old Navy wouldnt even take their sorry asses. (are you walking on the runway, or just walking like that girl you want to be?)
* wear trucker hats... enough said.
* buy something reeaaaaally ugly and when questioned say,
"what? its ____insert.desingers.name.here_____!!" and think they've gotten away with it.
* go to FIT and think they are the shit. (another FYI: just because you go to FIT, doesnt mean you are the shit. You have to actually be, "the shit" or be me.)

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