just thoughts, and events.

Nov 30, 2003 01:52

so the first semester is winding down..

i am in sarasota, florida for thanksgiving with the pa and stepma.. and my siblings, of course.
i really love how close our family is.. the bond that we all have is incredible, and rare, i believe.
i dont think most families are as close... i think its because of all that we have been through.. together. as well as the fact that we are all so close in age.
especially since my grandmother died-- i can feel the closeness even more.. and that is so important.
ive realized that i could never date anyone who didnt have an apreciation for family ties and family times. it is very important to me.

we all are so different, but so alike in so many ways. its great!
its so weird seeing us all grown up... well getting there anyways.

thanksgiving was nice.. kind of sad without my grandmother.
last night my dad, step mom, my sisters and i went to this surprise birthday party for a friend of the family.. and when there is a party involving the GRAPERs, its a fucking good time... drinks for all! :)
this lady was there.. and she spilled her red wine all over the cake and the new carpet.. then proceeded to go downstairs of the new condo, into the lobby, into the mail room, and VOMIT all over the mail room!!!
it was siiiick!! omg, she had to be taken home. thank god she wasnt a friend of the graper family. :)
after a lot of wine.. and a HOT band, we all went to 5 o'clock Club.. it was such a fun night.

omg, im in pain. Rhonda, my sister and I went to yoga early this morning!! it was the hardest session ive ever had!! im achey this evening!! lordy.. i need to lay down. after yoga i went to lunch with vaughn, aka nicole.. a long time friend that from sarasota that i went to COSTA RICA with in 9th grade.. we had lunch downtown and then walked around the pier to see the water and the boats etc. it was beautiful out today!! cool and crystal blue skyes!! uhh amazing!

tomorrow i may go to church with the fam, and then maybe xmas shopping... monday i have a dermo apt!! thank god!
then i go back to NYC on tuesday..
its so surreal being away from the city..
its so quiet, so green, so layed back in florida...
i think you have to have both to apreciate each one.
like, you have to have the escape of FL to enjoy the hussle and bussle of the city.. and visa versa.

im looking forward to getting back to the city.. as relaxing as this vaca has been. i cant wait to get started on my portfolio when i get back too!

ok, quite a long entry.. i need to go to bed.
i am emotionally and physically drained.

goodnight all.
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