Sherlock 1x03 The Great Game ~ Some Impressions

Aug 09, 2010 18:59

The third episode of Sherlock is lovely, lovely, lovely. Brilliant, amazing and "quite extraordinary".

The modern twist on the five (orange) pips was nicely done.

Moriarty was clever, evil, and slightly scary in how insane he turned out. Very nice acting there. Not to mention the convoluted but superb plot.

Sherlock spent the first ten minutes or so being a bored and sullen child, and that, too, is something I liked very much for some reason. I guess you can't be brilliant and flamboyant and impressive all the time. (Also, Benedict Cumberbatch shuffling around the flat in his pyjamas, bath robe carelessly tossed over one shoulder, looked inexplicably but definitely hot.)

The head in the fridge was a nice touch (as were the eyes in the microwave in episode 1). It makes me happy that they throw in these illustrative little oddities here and there which do not turn out to be plot points later on.

And Sherlock meeting Mycroft, his brother, is always a treat. I can't quite put it into words, but I find them vastly amusing together. (And huggable, too. Cute little dystunctional family.)

John and Sherlock's realtionship got some attention, as well, and it was very well handled in my opinion. They bicker, Watson crashes on someone else's sofa, then hears about the explosion and rushes back to check on Holmes -- only to find him well (and still sullen), at which he switches back to mildly annoyed. Their "interviewing" the telly lady's brother was priceless. And Sherlock going all huffy and concerned the moment Moriarty walked out the door was touching.
Also, about that las scene -- I'm all in favour of "ripping his clothes off in a darkened swimming pool"! :p ... Seriously, though, I love the not-quite-serious innuendo that the show is so comfortable with. It's a nice tip of the hat to the debate about Holmes and Watson that has been going on for years and years.

That cliffhanger, though... I mean, yes, we all know that Holmes and Watson will survive, Moriarty will get away to possibly make a dramatic return in the future, etc etc, but still -- it just seems like bad manners to end a series of which you don't even know whether it'll have a sequel at the time of filming and editing with a cliffhanger. Resolving that thing a year later (the earliest any sequel could possibly be airing) would be weird, and just giving it a short "And then they got away"-flashback would seem cheap. So that, I think, was not such a good idea, but it's my only complaint for now.

With the show having been such a smash hit and a second series already being talked about, I guess there'll be more episodes eventually, but knowing that it'll take a year at the very least drives me up the walls with impatience. I want more! D:

Also, I need more Sherlock icons.

sherlock, good things, tv

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