64damn_prompts Title: A Lesson in Zoology
Rating: PG
Prompt: #11 - animal
Fandom: Psych
Shipping: None (gen)
A/N: Don't own Psych. Or any things of zoological interest. :(
"Gus, I am never asking you for an undercover name again. That zoologist just laughed at me when I introduced myself. I've never been so humiliated by a prime suspect in my life!"
"Oh?" Gus did not look up from his desk, littered with newly-delivered pharmaceutical samples that needed to be cataloged and memorized, as he calmly sipped his morning coffee.
"Yeah! She asked me if I had zookeepers for parents!" Shawn replied, looking quite annoyed. "And what kind of name is Pan Troglodytes, anyway? I can barely pronounce it and don't remember it from any of the Star Trek episodes. Was he a Klingon?"
"Pan troglodytes is the genus and species for the chimpanzee."
Shawn blinked, considering this. "You are fiendishly evil, but I don't have the time to elaborate on your wicked, wicked ways. Here's the good news: Ms. I-Love-Reptiles is on her coffee break so I figured we could check out her workplace for clues."
"I've got a meeting, Shawn."
"And your co-workers have been notified that your kittens are sick from avian bird flu. Now, c'mon, Gluteus!"
"What did you call me?"
"Oh, didn't I tell you? I told her that I might stop by with my assistant, Gluteus Maximus."