torchwood signings <33

Aug 19, 2010 15:31

Just had a nose through the photos from the Torchwood CoE signing, and the Audio Book one Gareth did… OMG memories or what!!
These were atleast a year ago now.. well, the Torchwood one was a year ago on the 17th of July, and the Audio Book one was a year ago on the 15th of August :P

I remember basically the entire daaaay of the CoE dvd signingg… I was meant to be on my last day of work experience and everything.. i told them i had dentists so i could leave early and queue up!! :L Me and my Chazz, oh and Rachel and Emily (but the less we mention about Em the better!! she never even watched torchwood, but she gave us a lift to the train station, that is 5 mins away from my house!) Ahaa, we kinda abandoned them when we got off the train, and went to mcdonalds :L they passed us in the queue later, totally pissed off :L It was a great day, the queue was fun, we were only a few shops away from HMV, we got hungry and chazz went to sainsbury’s to get cookies! eating them was like being a spy though, as if the seagulls noticed they’d be well after you!! We even saw someone dresses as a Dalek!! <33 Oh and the woman in front had a Ianto’s not dead top!! <33 and i was like :’( been as it was only a week before that he’d diedd!! I remember getting Chazz Burger King chips at somepoint too :L

Aha, when the queue moved into the shop, thats when we went a bit fangirly, well, me and chazz did anywayy :P you could see them, and hear them! Eve had her newly cut hair, which looked amazing, and she had her lil bump!! it was adorable, and OMG her freckles are gorgeous (and so is the rest of her, but serious cuteness from the freckles!!) Oh, she was sat inbetween Gareth and John, and OMG.. John! I couldn’t actually say anything to him, i tried, i really did, i think i got out a hi! Did i mention i adore him?! He’s actually even more beautiful in person.. and when he touched the dvd case to sign it all that was going through my head was… HE TOUCHED MY DVD!!!! :L he passed it to Eve and she signed it, and Em, who had never seen torchwood in her life mentioned that she loved belonging, i which i had to get involved, mentioning how i’m gutted it ended, she was like, thankyou so am i *DEADDD* seriously woman could you be any more amazing?! And then to Gareth, OMG he seemed so shy! he signed my case and passed it to me.. oh and.. Stubble!!! I mean, i like it, but on himm… stunninggg!!

So yeah, when we left there was alot of OMG OMG OMG, can’t believe we just met them, OMG! :L And squeals on my part… one of the best days ever!!

Audio Book signing.. Gareth David Lloyd, did i mention i love him?! Ahaa, well this one was in Borders, and i went to this one with Chazz, but just Chazz this time, aha, we got there early and we could inside, so no rain or seagulls to avoid this time! We were leant on the bookshelves and sat on the floor, basically talking, squealing at the fact we could actually have pictures with him this time and just being excited!! I remember taking random pictures, and there was this book, we were sat in the crime section, called Crack House, well yeah we just had to take a picture, for the fun of it :P Lool, and there were more pictures to pass the time, Oh and then i went in a mission for Cake and a soy latte for chazz, Starbucks is upstairs in borders but my friend Chloe worked there, so it took me half an hour, after going back up for a fork!! :L Oh and i couldn’t afford food as i spent my money on a pencil and notebook :L Oh and we bought windup robots, they are too cool ^_^ Jeffrey and Martin <3

As the queue stood and we were moved round to could see the table, Gareth was late! :L Aha, we were in perfect view of the life and Chloe who works there was like, he’s downstairs, and she was even sent a chair for his gf/fiance, as the one she had wasn’t ‘good enough’… he came though the lift and i began taking pictures again… Ahh, he looked rather Nom! With his hat on and stubble again :D The queue got shorter and we could see him!! :L mega hyperness by noww!!

So Chazz went first… (we had put out names on post its and stuck them on our cds before hand so he would sign them to us) he signs the cd then poses for the picture.. the security guy takes the photo, but she really shitted it up, luckily for Chazz i took one and its not blurry at all! However, i wasn’t as lucky, he signed my cd, put his arm round me for the picture and i sneaked a hug as i left, got my camera, and yes, the bloody security guy messed up the picturee!!

Still, i will NEVER EVER EVER forget these two days!!

(picspam of these two days will follow and apologies for the length of this post, i ramble i know!)


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