a pic a college aged girlfriend of mine put on facebook made me think of this. miniskirts are in - apparently, for girls this summer, the shorter whatever you're wearing the better (and apparently, for the girl who's skirt flew up in a very strong wind in Philly, panties are completely optional)
the pic is of her sitting and her skirt is not covering, well, any part of her in contact with the chair.
and all i can think about is, i hope to god she's got some sensible underwear. i know that the CTA in Chicago ran some tests on their public transportation and the seats, the railings, everything is covered with filth - e coli, other bacteria, pieces of feces, stuff like that. the public is not a clean place - and if you're wearing a thong under a miniskirt then sitting on that stuff, how safe is your crotch? I'm serious - men don't have a hole in between their legs, they do not have this problem - we do, and we don't even cover that hole with modern fashion. you sit on that filthy bus seat, and what if your crotch grinds against the seat some cus of a bump in the road and you expose that sensitive area? i am not going to say that you're guaranteed to have a problem - but shouldn't it worry us that no one is even considering that it could be a problem? (or do we not care about paying repeatedly for UTI medicine?)
and for everyone else - do you want to SIT on a seat that has crotch grease all over it? what an awful mental picture of the stuff attaching to the seat of your pants, or your expensive dry clean only dress!
come on, it's not such a bad thing to wear a pair of boyshorts made by UnderArmor or something. even the ever fashionable Forever21 which sells a lot of those minis has an option they're selling for cheap enough that any girl could buy some: short leggings, in black or dark grey (
http://www.forever21.com/product.asp?catalog_name=FOREVER21&category_name=btms_leggings&product_id=2079135576&Page=1 - "These short leggings lets you pair your minis without any discomfort. With a ribbed elastic waist and smooth construction.") they had even smaller ones earlier in the season. leggings! they're fashionable! and they protect your crotch - and perhaps your dignity.