Spring is Here!

Mar 28, 2005 20:45

Yippy! DO you know how I know it's here???? I got stung by a wasp on Easter at work while I was sitting on the bike rack eating lunch in front of Glen's. Little bugger (no pun intended) got my right in the back. Damn that hurt! Thankfully, I found out that I am not allergic to them. Anyways...I hope everyone else had a good Easter (or whatever holiday you celebrate). I didn't go home for a couple reasons...1. couldn't afford to take more time off, 2. I have been down there so many times in the last couple months that I have racked up the miles on my car and it's a lease so I have to watch it, and 3. when was the last time that someone from my extended family (excluding my mom's side cause they have come up here a few times)has com eup to see me. No one but my cuz has been here to see me, even though some of them have been up here and didn't bother to even give me a call or anything. So I've finally given up and said FUCK IT! If they want to see me, they can start making the effort. I'm not doing it anymore.

Dyllin is still working on some Belle Isle Aquarium stuff. Emailed a bunch of state reps today. FOBIA people want to meet him in person, so we might be down in Detroit Tuesday afternoon and Wednesday. Not sure yet though. Depends on if the FOBIA people will be able to meet with him. At any rate, I hope the city decides not to close it. I think people can raise enough money for it to stay open and not cost the city anything. It would be a real shame if they closed such a beautiful building that houses so many rare species and actually gets them to breed. I think Kwame needs to go far, far away and never come back. I really hope the next mayor has a lot more brains than Kwame has. He is such an ASS!

Enough about him...in other news...my grandma has been having a rough time lately with her health. She was in the hospital for congestive heart failure, and then got a call about a biopsy she had. They think she has some kind of skin cancer, so she goes in Wednesday for more tests. Poor thing. I hope everything turns out ok. Please keep her in your thoughts.

Well, I guess that is about it, except for the fact that I still haven't found a real job, and it is really depressing me. I feel like a failure having my BS and still working at a grocery store. But at least I have a job. And I am so sick of people asking me when I am going to get a real job. Worry about your life, not mine. I can understand if family asks, or friends even, but when acquaintances ask, that drives me crazy. How is that any of their business, just leave me alone.

Man, I'm crabby right now. I think I should go eat dinner, maybe that's the problem.
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