Why we pay for cable I'm not sure. Because there is hardly anything ever on. Even the free movie channel list things I've either never heard of with actors I've never seen - or movies that I know I'll hate.
Yet I cannot convince R we need to just turn it off. Or make it basic. I think he holds out hope that one day, something, on some channel
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Also, I've found Tony Horwitz's books decent. Non-fiction, but with enough edge to keep your interest on an odd assortment of things. And Mary Roach wrote BONK and STIFF which are two good non-fiction books, the first about sex and the second about corpses. She's pretty amusing.
If you're looking for a little something dark, I'm going to suggest Jeff Lindsay. He has three books out currently in a series, Dexter. Yes, his books are the books that inspired the Showtime series. The books are much darker, and Dexter is much harder to relate to because he really IS a sociopath in the book (which he really isn't in the show). And if you like the three books (which will be quick reads for you, I'm sure), you can try the TV show which is pretty entertaining.
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