More notes!

Apr 01, 2014 08:20

  • We've got a family member flying in and spending the night Thursday, so I'm in cleaning overload trying to get the apartment in good shape for his visit.  He's coming in for the NCAA Women's Final Four and meeting some friends, so he's just staying the one night, but I don't want him thinking "I'll never stay here again!"  Luckily, I still have a few days, and I've got two rooms down. Plus, my youngest has PDO (Parents' Day Out) today and Thursday, which means I can focus a bit more on cleaning than I otherwise would, especially in the rooms that he likes to frequent/destroy.
  • Being April Fools, the youngest's PDO class is doing a backwards day at school today.  They can wear their clothes backwards and have been asked to (if possible) bring breakfast for lunch.  We had breakfast for dinner specifically so we'd have extra pancakes and bacon for his lunch today.  My eldest saw us putting it together and decided that's what he wanted as well, so no sandwich making for me today!
  • Speaking of today, I'm registering my youngest for Kindergarten today.  I'm torn on how I feel.  On the one hand, this is my baby.  I can't believe he's ready for school.  I still remember holding him in the hospital.  On the other hand, I'm used to him being out of the house because of PDO, and I've been through Kindergarten Registration already with my eldest.  And I'm kinda looking forward to having the house calm enough that I can get things cleaned without worrying about it being a mess 10 minutes later, running errands without worrying about meltdowns and watching some of the shows I enjoy during the day.  Plus, I know it's going to be the best thing for him, having a routine that goes 5 days a week.
  • Yesterday, I focused on the dining room and decided to do a little rearranging.  We have the computer desk in the dining room and I decided to move it from one wall to another.  I like how it looks, but there isn't a lot of room for the chair to move around in, so I'm going to have to do a bit more rearranging.  Mainly, this will involve taking everything off of the bookshelf behind the chair and move it over to another open space in the room.  We'll see how much else I manage to get done around here before I focus on that.
  • It's becoming more and more clear to me that I need to get back into the habit of making daily To Do lists.  It becomes so much easier to lose myself in something else or get distracted from what I need to get done.  Does anyone have suggestions for a good system that works for you?  Putting it on a calendar/an app (computer or phone)/a To Do notebook/posting it online where you can be accountable?
  • It's LJ Idol voting time, so if you're interested in voting for my piece about another castle, you can do so here.
Off to get my day started!

to do, peter, lj idol, cleaning

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