So, I had a co-worker come up and tell me we had a Barbie doll set that included a dog with it's leg raised because the dog was 'potty training'? I giggled and went on with my life because really, it couldn't be that bad, now could it?
Oh yes, yes it is. Seriously, watch the video, because...what the hell? I, I have no other words beyond, seriously, what the hell?
Also, the last week of October I have a glorious span of vacation before hellholiday starts in November. During that time I am doing fall cleaning in my room and here in LJ land. Okay not so much cleaning as finally giving up my moral stance about not supporting LJ monetarily because I don't like their policies, because DAMMIT I want more icons!!! (I am a weak woman easily distracted by the pretty.)
So fandom pals, any suggestions about good icons. I am breaking some old school Buffy ones out that I had to delete, so unless there is something extraordinary out there, I'm good. But does anyone have a Torchwood/ Who or FMA icon maker they recommend. I know there are icon journals, but I do not have the patience to wade through them, and I trust you all's judgement.
I am also using this as a chance to make a few of my own, because dammit I need to use this FMA icon idea that has been bugging me since I saw the picture in the manga.
Wow, that was a lot of babble. TTFN