A week late, I finally received the response regarding my formal complaint against the social worker (after chasing it up, I might add).
Lack of communication from the allocated Social Worker . Partially upheld.
Poor level of service quality from the allocated Social Worker. Partially upheld.
"I do accept that [caseworker] could have done more to keep you informed of key events regarding [your son] and this will be addressed through future training and supervision sessions."
While I do not agree with some of the points made within the report, I'm glad that it has been addressed and the complaint will be on the case worker's record. I appreciate that the adoptive parents may have been without issue regarding the caseworker, but I'm sure the investigation and probing they went through prior to this would make anything pale in comparison, not to mention the joy of finally gaining a son. I was not the stereotypical birth mother having her child forcibly removed, I did no harm to the child, I was looking out for what is best for all involved and I think I was lumped in the basket with the vast majority. That is offensive enough in a normal situation, but when it comes to something so big, so life altering, then I think there needs to be more care and consideration and take it on case-by-case.
Lessons Learnt
I will ensure as a result of your complaint that:
* Supervision is used more effectively with the Social Worker involved.
* That the Social Worker’s appraisal objectives will include more detailed monitoring of communication with service users.
* The Looked After Children’s Team is more aware through training events of the importance of timely and sensitive communication with families involved in the adoption process.
Putting Matters Right
* I will ensure that supervision and targeted training is used to ensure that the Social Worker is fully aware of the importance of timely and sensitive communication in matters such as these.
* As a result of this complaint and increased scrutiny of adoption practice by senior management, the Adoption and Looked After Children’s Team are now working more closely together to share good practice. As an example a member of the Adoption Team is based on a fortnightly rota within the LAC Team office to ensure any queries or issues can be dealt with effectively.
* I will also use my team meetings to draw attention to these matters as more effective use needs to be made of electronic communication with families involved with our service.
What annoys me the most? The fact that I have yet to receive an apology from the horse's mouth. No, I'm not holding my breath either.