I was young but I wasn't naive.

Oct 20, 2007 00:12

After plates of good food, I am settling down for some good desserts!

My Thursday was a very eventful one and it was a superbly good Thursday, I couldn't have ask for more or anything else even! Well, UT aside. I didn't had ample time to run through 6th Ps and I did not even download the 4th problem's 6th p. FANTABULOUS YAW! Okay, school was okay, I never really expect much or a lot from school nowadays especially days when I have clearly annoying and boring modules. Heh.

After school was all the fun-ness though! :))))

I chionged down right after Math's lesson to Wellness 360* for Melanie's Write Workshop. & That was where all the fun-ness begin! We didn't want to be late in anycase, we might just see Faith and then she will probably kill us because we were late. HA! But she wasn't there so we were safe. Guess who greeted us when we stepped right inside? It was Mel! I again couldn't recognise her until she made the first move. She was like *pokes* HELLO! :) and I went like HELLO! (????) (WHO IS THIS??) and of course, she had to do her "Melanie? Melanie Lee?" and thanks to GF also by my side, I someway somehow managed to recognise her after that. The workshop started late and there were even LATER people who were annoyingly distracting me from focusing and paying attention to the speakers. Imagine, you have incessant knocks on the door, people coming in, sudden banging on the door, irritating girls who don't know how to walk properly with their heels going down the steps and not to mention, inconsiderate beings who talk so loudly like as if they are talking to the whole universe. And how can I forget this guy who came in and his perfume was so intoxicating, it knocked me out completely from the workshop. He looked quite cute too but a pity, his cuteness didn't last long. I got tired of it soon. Heh. Plus he already has a girlfriend, triple annoying man!

Anyways, each time students come in, Mel would rush all the way to the door and somesort greet them and get them to settle down quick so that they/us can enjoy the workshop. At each knock or distraction, Mel would roll her eyes completely and it is hilarious because she did that throughout the whole workshop. It was something that it can't be missed! It was completely hilarious seeing the same reaction from her at every distraction that came disrupting the workshop. She so reminded me of Mrs Lew! Mrs Lew used to roll her eyes at 4NA's antics each time and she would ask the class if we saw her eyes rolling. Those good ol' days! (Mel is just like a total complete and EXACT replica of Mrs Lew and that, honestly is freaky. I shudder each time I see the similarities in the both of them. LIKE BLUEPRINT? Okay, Mel is very very nice and the best Scrabbley mate ever.) ::grins::

After the talk, Mel approached me and told me that Audra was in Wellness, waiting for me! Waiting for my cookies rather! :p She must have walked in during the workshop and I realised it but just couldn't able to make out how she look like. I didn't want to get out from my seat because I needed the toilet badly and Audra came over to my seat in the end. And, HAHAHA! I still couldn't able to recognise her until she opened her mouth and said 'ITS ME! ITS ME! AUDRA!' That was super cute luh! She stayed for a while and managed to have a little chat. She asked me about the treats and I told her some were made by yours truly and momster while the rest were from my aunts, yi ma. I pronounced YI MA wrongly and I ended up having YI MA PRONOUNCIATION CLASS with Audra for a while. We kept going YI MA here, YI MA there like crazy. It was hilarious. KARKARKAR! :p Audra left soon after that. We scanned our cards and went to the front to pass Mel's share. Mel was like 'pleading' with us to touch the books and we literally did, touched the coverpage and said bye in a joking manner. Which she replied with her rolling eyes thing again. LOL!

I love my CCC facis, they make me smile. :)

Gf & I left for Sakura soon after completing our RJs in the library. It was one tough journey because the buses we boarded kept coming late and our reservation was at 7.30pm, we reached our destination at 8 instead which left us with only 90minutes to eat our fill. ROARRR! But in all, it was one helluva good awesome and veryvery fulfilling buffet! I think I like duck meat though they have this weird smell but it sure taste nice! Food of the night for me was definitely, my Broccoli Gratin! YUMMMY! I took like 2 plates of it. I also had my normal dose of garden salad. YUMMYYUMMY! I think the best still had to be dessert. CAKES CAKES CAKES! :))

I will let the pictures do the talking yeah?

Heaven liao. :))

I sent Gf off and went back home with a super bulging tummy from all the good food which then became poo in less than 1hour. LOL!

My Friday on the other hand was not too bad. It was like any other Fridays I have been having since school reopened. I was surprised to see a Malay guy clad in his traditional Baju Kurong sitting at the faci's podium. I swear, I thought I was in the wrong class! It turned out, PP was unwell today and we had Hafidz from SEG I believe facilitating us. Hafidz is cool and I think he is better than PP in a way where he actually guided us from the start till the end. :) But it felt rather weird not having PP in class suddenly but for once Friday was much much better.

There is a glimmer of hope for my failing memory! I recognised Mel when I was having lunch earlier! WHEEEE! *happy happy!*
I think it must have been her funky specs that enabled me to recognise her right away. But heck, I recognised Mel! :D:D:D:D

Okay sleep time, sibeh tired siah.

ccc, school, buffet, happy times, dcid, gf

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