My Kissmas

Dec 27, 2010 00:17

It was a crazy Christmas, believe me.

Lots of running and eating, being merry, joymaking, gifts exchanging and a whole lot of getting together.

It was a mad decision but all worth it, to fly back home and spend Christmas together with my other half - this was a 50-50 plan which may or may not work out. Hell, I take risks in life and this was one of the risk I took which I will never regret.

Got back home at 4 in the afternoon and my oh my, the weather was so fine (yes, this was before the whole storm that reigned the dark night skies which obviously then illuminated the usual black skies).

Decided to ring the other half to check where she was and only to find out she already had plans for the evening. Oh, what a bummer, there goes my Santarina surprise.

Well, Santarina still have to deliver the presents right on time right even if the weather was horribly crazy with the pouring rain and lightning storm everywhere like as if the mighty powers above were having some war and fighting it all out using their awesomeshit light sabers. Yes, so in the end, with the help of the efficient MRT, Santarina decided to not risk her reindeers from being struck down by lightnings and took the train instead.

She arrived at her half's place thankfully dry and rather flustered and irritated by the stupid humid Singapore's rain bring along without fail like every Goddarn time it pours. Half was very surprised to see Santarina it seems. Perhaps, she was amused by the fact that I still look good or bothered to dress up and equipped with my Santarina hat despite the crazy weather and how late it was.

Well, I was greeted with a pleasant surprise. Smooth jazzy tunes was playing in the background, lights were dimmed only with candles illuminating my half's madly gorgeous place and ahhh, what is Christmas without the Christmas tree right? There it was, standing colourfully with the red, blue, green, golden lights wrapping its delicate leaves.

My oh my, I was obviously slowly floating up, up and away by what was in front of me.

A sweet candle lit dinner. /heaven

We settled down, placed my coat aside and sat down. We ate, we drank to our heart's content, we reminisced, we enjoyed each other's company and totally basked in each other's presence.

Came gift exchanging time for the both of us and I surprised her with the diary she has been wishing for and coupled with a sweet Christmas card, written a heartfelt note too plus a box of Royce' delish Champagne flavoured chocolate. She was bemused because she got me the same thing too - the chocolate from Royce part that is. Heee. :p Inside the bag of gift she had for me was a pair of earrings and necklace which she told me to choose. I decided on the earrings because they were just so dainty and elegant. :)

We retreated to another space of her house where the real surprise began. I was looking around and she pointed to a parcel wrapped in a candy like in pink and white. Cute, I must say. I was instructed to take it and have a look. Lol. It didn't make sense cos' obviously, it was hers since it was in her space but she 'forced' me to open it for her. Weird, I know. So, I took the honour of unwrapping 'her' present and only to find out that the parcel was FROM her and addressed TO her. Fishy. Very, weird and fishy.

So, I unwrapped the present and unboxed what was inside. My heart stopped when I saw the packaging. I gulped and paused for a second to carefully inspect the white packaging. OMG. IT WAS AN APPLE BOX AND IT SCREAMED ITOUCH AT MEEEEE. Omg. This is going to sound stupid but I honestly thought she got an iTouch 4 for Christmas and I was so dead envious. HAHAHAHAH. (well, it was on my wishlist :P)

So, I unboxed it and to my pleasant horror suprise, there was an engraving at the back and it had my name on it!

Now, that was when it all hit me... the iTouch WAS FOR ME.


I was so elated no no, the right word should be euphoric. It was like all the good chemicals in my body just increased like a million fold. I was so happy. Yeah, mad endorphins reproduction on Christmas.

Gahhh, I love my dear half. <3

Heee. Yes, I am incredibly happy that my wish came true and it was my half who granted it but honestly, what made my Christmas was the fact that the both of us got to be near each other for Christmas this year even though it was a short one. Truth to be told, nothing beats spending Christmas with your dearly beloved ones right?

So, thank you, my half, my heart. :)

p/s: We named it Stefan, yes... because I loveeee Stefan Salvatore from Vampire Diaries. :p

geek, he(a)rt, tech, christmas, love

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