Things that I am beginning to hate

Nov 28, 2010 11:01

1. How time is ticking very fast and just as I know it, weekends are over.
2. From point no. 1, we are moving to 2011.
3. Continuation from point no. 2, it will all be over when the clock strikes 12 on 1 January 2011.
4. Well, I foresee even before that, it will all come tumbling down, disintegrate and self destruct like say maybe after 15th December.
5. Not being a pessimist but you tell me and you probably agree with me because it will and more so when awful reminders like "remember... new year, new life, new whatever other shit that comes along with it" appears every now and them, coming from you even when I give you warnings not to do it.
6. And of course, the situation that I am in - why do this heart always go for someone who is
- unreachable/unattainable
- wrong yet feels so right like you know coming home after getting lost
- asdfghjkl
7. How I always wake up feeling like shit in the morning because I still can't get over the feeling of being reminded that I am supposed to love you less and of course, it will all be over soon.
8. Noise in the house.

fuck this shit.
/end of rant.

rantings, heart breaks, fml

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