Emotional days ahead.

Nov 26, 2010 01:09

Let's face it, every girl will know of this monthly bleeding period of our little fragile lives which for some mad reasons affect our hormones and emotions. I find it perplexing how come such bleeding or cleaning the dirty blood in our body can have like 234567890 other repercussions. Imbalanced hormones and schwingschwing moodswings to name a few.

Terrible week and horribbad date night. Le sigh. :(
(but thanks bb for just tahan-ing me with the sudden "I don't knows" and  "really bad mad quiet awkward moments like especially at dinner")
I foresee wanting to watch a sad movie once Friday ends despite Moe Moe wanting me to watch Secret Garden over the weekends. Ha. We shall see how. But, for now, I will just keep a mental note of the sad movies I have been dying to watch.

P/S: Azy posted Tiger Lily by Matchbook Romance. How apt, so apt. Seeesh, falling apart, disintegrating and self destructkkk in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.
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