Two years later, you are still on my mind.

Aug 31, 2008 00:46

You know they say nothing beats coming back home seeing familiar faces and places. For some reason, going back to my former secondary school yesterday, it feels something like that. I couldn't comprehend some of the feelings that I felt as I walked around the school yesterday, maybe some day I will know. Hahaha. Anyways, it felt good to be back in the school that I grew up in. What more when I got to eat my dearly missed canteen food with the company of awesome schoolmates of 5 years and some still counting! On top of that, seriously, nothing beats seeing my dearly beloved and clearly missed teachers who were with me since sec 1 till sec 5, of course that includes those who taught me be it in sec 2 or 3 or 4 or 5 itself. :D

This year's Teachers' Day celebration was different than the past years. It was full day for the students, that means celebration started in the morning till the afternoon. Well, by the time I arrived in school, I think they were at the 2nd or 3rd part of the day's programme already. (: Without wasting any time, I went to look for my teachers.

First on the list, definitely had to be my Ibu. (: It was so nice and comforting to see her and the other malay teachers like Mdm Yahida and Cikgu Ishak, I swear. I love my school's Malay department. They have the awesomest Malay teachers ever. Knowledgeable and full of tender love, care and concern for their students. I was almost moved to tears when Mdm Yahida said this to my ibu..

"Zah, tengok Zah anak kita ni.. dah besar dia. Rambut pun dah tukar, dah straight.. dah lawa dia."

Translated : Zah.. look at our girl, all grown up already. Her hair style also change already, now all straight.. grown pretty already.

It was just so endearing okay.

Anyhow, if it weren't for those teachers in the Malay department, I wouldn't have scored distinction for my Malay for O'levels. All those mock papers being shoved at my face to be completed at least one paper each day or week. All those memorising of peribahasa and then disecting essays that made it to Cetusan Minda (*coughs, mine included*). My Malay teachers, ZEEEE BEST!

Next was Ms Gan, my wonderful and not official Chemistry teacher. hahaha! (: She was also my sec 2 science teacher. She is one nice and sporting plus funny teacher. Oh and if I remembered correctly, her lessons were fun too! The night before, we were on FB talking to each other and I preempted her to get ready to camwhore with me. HAHAHA! She damn sporting can? :D

Ms Gan/Mrs Lam (whatever, I still cannot get use to calling her Mrs Lam..)
Although now, I call her cikgu! :D

Then we caught Ms Poh who just came in. I called her and she just walked away! :( sad! I was ignored! HAHAHA! She was surprised to see Rozi beside me because that girl hasn't return to YISS for nearly 2 years now. So they were talking about school and how Rozi is doing in school and then suddenly, I entered the picture when Ms Poh told me she still read my blog even though she is busy. She also said that I am one busy girl and albeit being so busy, I still have the time to blog. Hahahaha! Well, call it the art of multi-tasking eh? (: It is nice to know also that my blog is a platform for teachers and friends to get updates on what's happening in my life. Of course, comforting too that she still read this blog even when she is busy. Thanks Ms Poh. (: I am happy for her though because she is a mother to be! And, she looks so cute now. Ms Poh mentioned that I looked different now and I have changed, she agreed with Mr Chow on this. I can't seem to put my finger on this though. I wonder, how much I have changed be it in the way I look and attitude wise. I do hope, it is a positive change! :D

Ms Poh, 3 years consecutively form and Physics teacher.
Basically, the only one who can make me love Physics through her out of the world ways. And I repeat, only one.

My rocker Chemistry teacher. (:
By the way, YISS Chemistry teachers are very unique and yes of course, they rock like nobody's business.
With Mr Chow, you learn things via mnemonics as well as singing, the famous line...
"metal acid, metal acid - hydrogen!"
With Mdm Reh, you learn things via diagrams as well as drawing islands!
Now, you know why I never hated Chemistry classes back in YISS. (:

Remember Mrs M? The one who made me fall in love with Little Prince and the teacher who adores my mum's veg epok?
I still think she is the cutest teacher around and honestly, seeing her around makes me happy. (:
Urm, this year no vegetable epok though cos' everything was very last minute and I didn't have the time to make them in the end.

After the staffroom, I went down to the canteen to have breakfast and find my other friends who came back. I met my classmates - Jun, Liyana and Daniel. Had breakfast with them. It felt as if I was transported back in those uniform days where the class will have breakfast together. Nostalgic, I swear.

Food glorious food. (:
If you ask me where to find extremely delicious noodles and cheap too, I'd say YISS's Mee Sutra.
Cik Ani's noodles will beat the other noodles stalls, hands down and emerge as champion luh.

My breakfast - Spaghetti goreng with sambal hotdog and Milo with nata.
I would be the happiest girl on earth is Cik Ani were to set up like a franchise stall in RP, that includes chiobu with her drink stall.
(because nothing in RP, drinks or dessert or the noodles and etc is up to par with what YISS canteen has to offer.)

Some other photos from yesterday...

The parade square I used to sit, play, march and frolick around during rainy days especially.

My beloved sister and behind us is the famous waterfall which I would like to tell you that only YISS has this water feature in the whole of area 19. Let me emphasize on that point again, only YISS has it. (:

My pride and joy, one of the kids I took during NPCC.

Minmin & I. (:

I didn't stay long this time round as I had to go back to RP for my lunch appointment with Sam. I managed to catch superwoman during the concert but I didn't exactly talk to her. I just gave her the gift - a card and a heart peg, spoke a bit and left. It was nice to see her and she asked if I am doing well in school. The answer is quite obvious if you ask me. Hahahaha, I mean, looking at the fact that I appeared in the papers and I get to meet the President plus my GPA is back on track nearing my target of 3.5. (okay, I think I just sounded a tad arrogant. oops!) Before I left for RP, I caught Mdm Reh to pass her gift as well as get a hug from her! :D

Do you believe in angels? You just saw one there. (:0

someone is definitely glowing radiantly there. (;

I had a good time going back to where I belong and once called home. My time spent there even though it was a short one was memorable and something I really wouldn't trade it for anything else in the world. On top of that, seeing my family members - the teachers who have became my mothers, uncles, brothers and sisters is just something that I can never find the right words to describe and tell you how great the feeling is. I loved the fact that my teachers remembered me for something you may find really ridiculous like for example, Mr Koh pointed out that my hair is no longer wavy and short or Mr Lee remembered me as the girl who wants to do Sociology and be a sociologist in the near future.

While things may have changed like the facade of the school, the facilities have improved, certain rooms are gone and also a few familar faces are no where to be seen and relationships have either improved or took a turn for the worse. One thing still remains, the memories are still there, intact and left untouched.

Before I end, let me show you a picture from monaalisa 's camera of two of my world's greatest teachers that I am very thankful for.


Two years later after graduating, you are still on my mind.

yiss, yinp, everything, mdm reh, yipb, loves, teachers' day

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