Aug 28, 2008 05:45

I have a, okay make it TWO burning questions.

What  makes people tease, hate, discriminate against fat/obese people? And why?

Stereotypes formed of obese people? The size? The excessive fats bulging out of their trousers and shirts?

I can't seem to figure out why because I honestly and sincerely feel there is nothing for anybody to mock or tease about for being fat. Is it about the fat = ugly thing? Okay, that I thing I am guilty of doing too but more of for me and I mean.. no, like seriously, what is there really to tease or mock or hate about fat people?

Is it really the social norm that fat people are being discriminated, look down upon because of their size?

On another note, you see, I just watched Oprah and I saw stories of previously obese people, their past especially, all have one thing in common - discrimination faced be it when they were young or even older. The media representation of obesity in Oprah today was in a negative light and has to because obesity after all is the second top cause for death and it is preventable. So I guess, the negative representation is to emphasize the danger of obesity and insist on a change in obese people to change their life and not accept being fat as a death sentence. On the other hand, while obesity is presented negatively, previously obese people were given positive media representation. Why? Well, they took the challenge to change their life for the better and shed those hundreds of extra pounds. They show determination and immense will power to change and get out of the rut they have been stuck in for lord knows how many years of their lives. They emerge as winners and survivors of battling both internal (one's inner self) and external (circumstances, food, temptations) fights. (So of course, when you are no longer obese, the discrimination lessen, agree? Why? Because there isn't anything for others to mock at you about as you are no longer fat. On top of that, people look up to you in awe and admiration)

So does my last few sentences tie back to my assumption on being discriminated perhaps due to the size of being obese?

So why people do it? What makes them tick and then start mocking, teasing, hating and basically run down these people with their words?

P/S : I have a million thoughts running and scattered all over the places and I am going to have light excessive internal thoughts vomit any time soon. So do pardon me if my points are all over the place and they don't seem to make any sense and also it is 0545hrs, what am I doing up so early.


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