to love and to cherish 'till death do us part.

Nov 18, 2007 01:15

So they say, good things come to those who wait. I have waited patiently, well, okay not really that patiently because I was one of the many students who pestered Ms Poh to get married as soon as possible. Heh. But I guess the wait was very very worth it! :D:D I just love weddings, they are so beautiful. Nothing beats seeing a couple reunite to be husband and wife and live happily ever after in their own world. Love is just wonderful isn't it? :)

Last week when I went back to school, I was shocked out of my wits when I see my dear Ms Poh look so pale and all tired out. Today, I see her glowing and beaming with happiness, smiling away. That was enough to make my day really!

Priest : David, do you love Sue-Lin?
David : Yes! I do!
Priest : Sue-Lin, do you love David?
Sue-Lin : Yes! I do! Very much!

Very very sweet. :) I agree with the priest eh, it is not everyday they say their I Love Yous to each other in front of so many people. & you know what, it feels not at all weird to hear Ms Poh's voice clearly and loudly again after such a long time.

When he pulled the veil back to see Ms Poh, I was already  awwwing like nobody's business because it was too sweet!

Students from her first form class, lemme repeat that, FIRST form class. :)
Before this photo were taken, a few things happened which were rather amusing.

1. We were unhappy that they said 'Sue-Lin's Colleagues & Students'
(HELLO! Students-students, teachers'-teachers' uh, what together take same photo?)

2. 'Sue-Lin's Students?
We refused to take with the current Sec 4s because uhm, we don't like the idea of sharing our favourite teacher in a photo with them.
Its like Ms Poh is 5NA 2006 form teacher and not 4e3 2007+5NA 2006 form teacher.
Bottom-line, 5NA kids don't like to share our teacher with anyone else because she is special to us.

3. Gf got jealous because Ms Poh called out my name when she was the first one to go to the front.
I swear that is very cute of her to get jealous.
(ahem! just goes to show, errr, I better not say it here. :p)

( inserts a lot of hearts <3 )

Well, she couldn't make up her mind to be which so in the end, she chose both. TSK!
 Ms Poh, did you see my eyes roll like don't know how many time? :p
(love you still la okay, you know it best!)


Mrs David, Mrs Chiam or Mdm Poh?
Sorry ah, none of the above.
I will still call her Ms Poh. Sound so the very very old to call any of the 3 names. :))

I met Mrs M earlier in Vivo. Very happy, that one also made my day! Its beeen suchaaaa long time since I last saw my vegetable epokepok lover. & She is still as cute as ever, so tak boleh tahan! I miss her loads la! :)))


'To have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness or in health, to love and to cherish 'till death do us part. And hereto I pledge you my faithfulness.'

yiss, ms poh's wedding, love, friends

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