Aug 16, 2008 23:07

Semester break is here, finally here. 3 weeks without the daily problems relating to any communication or media theories. Well, sadly, this also means that my time with my first semester class, first class of DCID people are up. Very sodding sad okay? :( And truth to be told here, I am already missing the class as well as school in general. I kinda feel rather out of place now.

So basically, class have been camwhoring for the past few last lessons for the semester and try to have as much fun as possible. Of course at the same time, enjoy each others' company. :)

Monday, we had our dearly beloved M204 lesson - Cross Cultural Communication with *clears throat* our very beloved Patrick. Week 16's classes are all wrap ups so we just had to apply all the things we have learnt. Easy? Pretty much. ;)

Another truth to be told, my classmates, well some of them - the lesson, be it easy or hard.. there will be people who will still leave halfway. hahaha! (: my class is such a slacker class I swear. So it is pretty much a miracle to see a full class at the end of the day. Nevertheless, I still and always love E66G. (: Oh, on Monday, by the end of the lesson, we only had 7 girls left. ROFL. Awesome or not la.

luvina, yvette, sheila, melody, adorra, samantha and shap! (:

Well, all girls and just one man. A very cute and blur blur man to be exact. Patrick's blurness drives me crazy all the time, I swear. And honestly, I am going to miss his famous lines in class like seriously please.

"If you have questions after class, you can find me online on my MSN or email."

"Class please lower down your volume.."

"On the whole, good work! keep up with the enthusiasm!"

More pictures! :D

With our beloved Patrick. (:

we love him but we have to keep a fair distance away from him. (:

i have small eyez T_T

luvina love adorra, i know. (: hahaha!

moi sheilalalalalaloveeee! :D

yvette, why so serious?

After class, I rushed back to Bukit Batok to get flowers for two people. (: A sunflower for my beloved Mrs Cath. Tan and gerberras for my mum, Sam. (: I had a very funny convo with Mrs Tan the night before since I was asking her if she'd be at home on Monday or not. Anyhow, it was quite a pleasant surprise in the end for Mrs Tan since she didn't quite expect me to appear at her doorstep with a sunflower in my hand. It was funny though during the surprise cos' I called her and then I pressed the door bell and her reaction was like "DID YOU JUST CALL AND PRESS THE DOORBELL AT THE SAME TIME?!" lol. I didn't really want to stay because as far as I am concerned, she was furiously typing her report away and I didn't wish to disturb her. In the end for some reason or so, I did, giving in to her daughter, Nicole. (: It was a good evening spent with her though. Had dinner at her house too, had chicken rice! yummmmy! :D Dinner was hilarious as well.

I had a relapse soon after. :(

Tuesday. Mum's last lesson with us. I was very excited and looking forward to her lesson! Got her gerberras and went to school as per usual, okay, woke up late so that day, I took the train. lol. :P

mum's (:
I had the worst surprise ever for end semester okay? In the end, Sam wasn't able to come to school and facilitate her last lesson with us and we had Gan instead. I was like screaming NO vehemently in my heart when I saw a very familiar bag that belongs to Gan on the faci's chair. And of course, when Gan said Hi to me, I was already disappointed beyond any disappointment you can ever imagine. The class was too because they won't get their treat. HA. Rubbish. Anyhow, in the end, I had to pass the flowers to Gan to pass it to her. SIGH! :( And the whole time in class, I was thinking to my class, maybe the relapse the night before was telling me something. ROFL. Well, whatever. Class went on and as usual and first time under Gan, it was slightly different compared to 15 weeks of Sam's lesson. It went good actually. Sadly, by meeting 3, there were only 3 of us left. VERY DEPRESSING I KNOW. :'(  Nevertheless, on the positive note, at least the 3 of us namely, me, Luvina and Idrus persevered till the end. :D

Before third meeting, we had some camwhoring moments. :D

very sad and in major intense pain cos' my middle finger had a paper cut. VERY VERY PAIN! :(

Jessica and I. (:

We had our presentation in the lecture room! it was something new okay! but the empty seats all over the room was very sodding sad luh. Its like in the audience, there was ONLY Gan. LIKE ONLY, ONE AND ONLY GAN. LIKE ZZZOMG. Okay what the f. After Gan's lesson, I went back to E6 to meet Mel for some more camwhoring since I told her I looked like utter rubbish on Friday's photo and it is unfair that I have terrihorribad photos of her and me. :p

prettiest photo ever among all the shots we have taken together. adorra is happy. :D

Then, the 3 of us walked to W4 and we found my nyonya with Ivy and Jasmine having tea. :D I was suppose to meet nyonya at E6 with her class but oh well. :D Finally, I was able to pass her the card and Elly I bought from Ikea which was on very impulse because I bought it like the moment I heard she was unwell and without thinking I don't have her address to mail it to her. SMART, I know. :D

Audra, Elly and Adorra. :D

I realise Audra's eyes are much bigger than my teensy weensy pair of eyes. not fairrr~ <3

After meeting Audra, I went down to Cafe Esplanade to meet Siok for our supposedly dessert date but it turned out to be my very early dinner date. ROFL. Don't ask me why though. That meetup with Siok also meant the last one for the semester and it would be a while till the next one since the moment school reopens, it will be fasting month and I will be away for Poly Forum. We talked about a lot of things like from school to even religion. I love talking to Siok because I can speak my mind about any topic and she will always listen and give her views on it. Moreover, Siok's company is like the best, I enjoy every moment of her company. (: And you and I know, Siok makes me smile all the time because she is such a cute sunshine whose smile brightens up people's day and her energy is just overwhelmingly positive, you can't help but to feel good and happy when you are with her.

I got this japanese sweet for Siok and for some reason, it just reminded me of her because she is as cute as this sweet. :D
sweets for my sweet. (:

I heart this photo a lot because the both of us look so sweet and happy, all smiley in it. :D
Siok said, my eyes were glistening and sparkling in this photo. hahaha. :D
y'wna know something? we have like identical traits in this photo.
1. our smiles are almost the same - mine's just wider.
2. our hair parting is the same! :D

And then I proceeded home after meeting her because I had to go back and rest since I had a relapse the day before and I was scheduled for work the next day. :)

To E66G,

I love you guys loads and really truckloads. Thanks for the sweet and memorable memories be it in class during lessons or during lunch or even those sudden outings, no I mean like the ones we had for lab writing as well as ice cream session at island creamery. (: Jeez, 16 weeks flew by so fast, I can't believe in 3 weeks time, I am gonna go back to square 1 and get to know some new kids from DCID. I personally feel our class rocks like beyond any words can ever describe. We are like probably the only class with no major ongoing politics or whatsoever nonsense. LMAO. :D I am so missing you all now so badly please. I am so upset with myself for not turning up for the class chalet on Wednesday. Gaaah~ Anyhow, I am looking forward to see you all outside class when semester starts yep. Jeeez, and oh, those times and memories I had with you all, hugs and love and care and concern included, I wouldn't trade them for anything in this world or the afterlife world. You guys are a really one bunch of helluvaaa darlings to me! :D

Some special mentions, yah, Adorra is being bias and showing favoritism right now.

To Sheila, Happy Legal babe! :D Enjoy your 18th okay and being 18 also. Love you loads and all the best okay! Thanks for all the fun times in class, your lame 50 cent joke especially and all the love you have given me as well as the support in class too. Going to miss having you as my team mate especially in class.<3

To Yvette, omggg. Thanks lor for the hug on the last day of school. That hug totally brought me out of my denial moment thinking that day wasn't really the last day of the semester. Well, really, thanks for the hug on that day. I appreciate it. I appreciate the friendship we have forged too. You and I know how happy I am when I get happy nice moments with my favorites you know who(s). ROFL. Thanks for also helping me out when preparing for our presentation slides. I am really going to miss you like a lot la please. Can we like together request to Dennis to be in the same class ah. ROFL. :D

To Clio, I am going to miss the bread/roti girl tonnes too. Hey babe, you have been really awesome in class you know? You are sucha sweetheart too to me. Thanks for all the hugs, those happy and laughing times we had as well. Eh, thanks for being such a pain perfectionist when compiling slides also. Gives me a good experience to deal with severe OCD perfectionists in the future. HAHAHAH! I love you still. :D

To Idrus, yo brother. Thanks for the jokes, lame or not lame, funny or not really that funny and for the very good listening ear you have there. Thanks also for the great company everytime when I need one be it in school or in MSN. :D keep up the good work in being sucha wonderful friend yes? And jiayous for the next semester! And dammit, your UT grades are soo much better than mine, ADORRA IS JEALOUS! hgmmmphs!

To Stiffen, you ass. lol. okay, no no. You funny and sometimes very irritating person in class. Okay, serious. Steveeee! Thanks for helping with my writing and labwritings especially. :D I appreciate it. Thanks for the funny times also when you are at your best being irritating! :P I am so going to miss you in class. hahaha. Must continue to erm help me out with my writing okay?

Lastly, Jess, babe, thanks for giving me endless opportunities to be there for you. I hope things will be better soon. (: Thanks for allowing me to be your friend and help you out with your problems. hahaha. (: that, trains me to be maybe a future counselor in the future, you never know. :D thanks again! jiayous and all the best! :D

To the rest, good luck and thanks for the sweet memories. <3

With that said, goodbye Semester 1 and I shall close another chapter of my school life here and for now, enjoy my short working chapter in the book of my life. (:

e66g, friendship, school, love

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