Review of Le Sweet Sixteen Faerie Party and other random musings.

Aug 06, 2007 18:20


No, really... Everyone had a great time, myself included. A lot of people wore wings like I asked, and there were some awesome costumes, so I was really pleased. Robin and Vanessa had the greatest costumes like, ever, but they always do. Andy came as a fawn, which I found to be hilarious.

Cake was basically an orgasm in my mouth it was so good. Pretty, too. Willow tree on it with faeries. The girl that did it is way awesome. (For all you Bloomington type people... Get your cakes from The Chocolate Fix-- wayyyy awesome).

I can't really explain it, but I feel like because my party went so well that this year is gonna be a lot better than the last. I mean... Last year on my birthday... Well, badness ensued. This year my party was the bomb dot com so I think that maybe things will go way better. I can't explain it, it's just this feeling I have.

In other news, all semi-fandom related...
*LJ is cracking down on the HP fandom. Not cool. At all. I might cry if all my favorite authors accounts get deleted. Plus... Uh, it's just generally not cool.

*I'm a geek. We know this. I role play on The White Ferret. Moving on...
KILA HAS A FAN BASE!! And she and Hugh have shippers. This amuses me. Because... I never dreamed in a thousand years that people would pay attention to Kila Hawthorne; the girl I created to deal with all my issues for me. Seriously. She's my alternate ego and while she's no longer anything like me because I killed her cousin and she got all emo... she's still like, part of me and I am way flattered.

*Buffy fanfiction=love. I need more Spawn (Spike/Dawn for those of you who are a little slow). If you have any, send the recs my way. Srrsly. I'm running out of things to read.

Ok, I think that's all for now.

life, lj craziness, twf

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