Heartbreak and Hairdye

Mar 01, 2009 17:46

For Taming and CharChal

Officiallness to follow, but I need to get it posted for Taming. Haha.

Luckily there was no one in the bathroom when she slammed the box of hair dye and a bottle of bleach down on the sink in front of her. She was making a racket and it wasn't likely that anyone would take kindly to her disrupting whatever it was they could have been doing. Not that Kila would have cared anyway, mind you; she didn't care about much since the afternoon she kicked Hugh out of her room and out of her life. Again. That bastard.

She'd done this before, but she read the directions on the box anyway. It'd been a couple years since she'd died her hair. The first time it was to piss her mother of and this time it was... She didn't know why she was doing it really. She wanted to do something drastic to occupy herself. Give herself something else to think about besides Hugh fucking Hudson.

Who did he think he was, anyway? Playing all nice, apologizing, getting her knocked out, locked in a very small room, acting like a hero and getting her out... All the stuff that happened down at the lake after that then everything in her room... Where did he get off in telling her that he didn't want to be with her after he came into her room at the ungodly hour of two pm and seduced her? Ugh, she was going to have sex with that bastard. But he didn't want to be with her... It was his loss. Really, it was. She wasn't upset at all. Nope, not in the slightest. He could go to hell. She didn't love him at all.

At least that was what she told herself.

The Slytherin pulled on a pair of plastic gloves and unscrewed the cap on the bleach. She set the bottle down on the edge of the sink carefully and looked into the mirror one last time at her brunette locks. Soon there would be streaks of vibrant pink mixed in with them. Last time it was electric green. She sighed and swept most of her hair into a pony tail, leaving the bits she wanted pink out. Carefully, she applied the bleach to the narrow strips of hair. This was it. No turning back now.

Kila waited the appropriate amount of time before rinsing out the newly bleached hair. This probably wasn't going to look like the most spectacular dye job, but it'd still look decent. She hoped. Disappointed in the shade her hair had turned she applied some more bleach and waited for it to suck the pigment out of her hair.

As she waited she thought about how shitty everything had turned out recently. With her cousin, her mother, her grades... Hugh. Hell, even Andy... But her mind always wandered back to fantasies of Hugh Hudson. Poncey bugger... What would it have been like if he had actually just had the guts to ask her out? What if he'd asked her out before the incident in her room? Would they be snuggled up together right now? It was almost midnight... Normal people slept around this time, right? Would she have been happy with him?

She shook her head to rid her of the thoughts and managed to drip bleach on her shirt. It was his shirt. White, though, so she didn't suspect it mattered. Though... the pink dye might have a bigger impact. She unbuttoned the shirt leaving her in a black bra. She rinsed the bleach from her hair once again and examined the shade of... well, white. Even Malfoy's hair wasn't this lacking in colour.

Kila pulled the bottle of hair dye from the box and read the directions once more. She held her breath as she worked the dye from her scalp down to the tips as directed. It was difficult to do some of the strips she wanted in the back, but she managed to get them all. Once again, she waited until it was time to rinse it all out. Waiting like this was like waiting for Hugh to get his act together. Only, she knew when this waiting would end. With Hugh, there was no telling.

Finally the minute hand on her watch rolled past her marker for the wash out stage. She did one rinse with the rest of her hair still pulled back and one with all of it out. She bent over, sticker her head under the faucet and squeezed her eyes closed. A little dye managed to creep past her eyelashes though and she swore loudly. She finished rinsing her hair and groped blindly for the towel she brought with her.

Claiming it, she wrapped it around her now soaked hair. Kila rubbed the excess water from her hair and ran her fingers threw it since she forgot her comb. She mustered the courage to look in the mirror. Yep. Parts of it were definitely pink. Very pink. Oh yes, tomorrow was going to be interesting. Though... It was possible no one would notice. Her year as well as some of the other years were always doing something crazy. It wasn't like Kila had cut her hair really short and died it all hot pink. Someone would probably show up to class the next morning doing the very same thing. Such was the way her life worked.

Kila wasn't sure if she'd done this for attention. Maybe she had. She sort of felt like she'd just done it to... well, do something besides sit around her dorm and mope while she studied. She scooped up her towel and the things she brought with her. The girl paused as she looked at Hugh's shirt on the tile floor. She sighed and picked it up before clutching it to her chest and walking from the bathroom to head to her dorm.

charchall, writing, original character, taming the muse

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