Fandom Wank

May 03, 2008 18:23

Yanked from thatotherperv

1. Newest Fandom:

I actually just started reading a starwars/buffy cross over and might start reading some more star wars stuff... but I don't think that really counts.

I'ma go with Torchwood. <3 Ianto/Stopwatch love.

2. Oldest Fandom:

Harry Potter. It all started in seventh grade... *sigh* My friend Amelia was like "OHMYGOD! WILLOW! READ THIS!" And thus I read DragonHeart which I still have saved on my computer but can't ever read again because it is so horrible. I don't wanna talk about it. I was in seventh grade, lemme alone.

Anyway, Harry/Draco quickly became my OTP quickly thereafter. <3

3. Favorite Fandom:

Hmmm... I think I have serious love for Buffy... HP just doesn't do it for me like it used to. So yeah, Buffy all the way.

4. Guilty Pleasure Fandom:

Uhh... I don't really have one. They're all guilty pleasures that I'm not really guilty about. Lol. But yeah... Maybe That 70's show. Eric/Hyde is just so cute.

5. OTP:
Depends on the fandom, I suppose...


6. OT3:

Heh. I don't really have one. I liked purplefeen's Spike/William/Dawn siblingcest thing... The Mask series I think.

7. Worst Pairing Ever:

Spuffy. Ew. I don't even wanna talk about it. I don't like Buffy with anyone, especially Spike. I don't like her at all, really...

8. Wankiest Fandom:

I don't know about Fandom in general, but all my H/D shippers are pretty fucking wank-tastic. There's some serious Spangel wank too.

9. I'd Like to Find a Fandom For:

All the stuff I'm into is pretty culty so there's fandom for it. I haven't stumbled across anything that I can't find a fandom for... Though the That 70's Show fandom is pretty fuckin weak.

10. I Wouldn't Touch This Fandom For All the Money in the World:

Stargate. Wtf. I just don't get it.

11. Any Literary Fandoms:

Harry Potter, I guess. Everything else is TV.

12. Any Bandoms:

No. Ew.

13. Any Gamer Fandoms:

Uhh... What? No.

14. I Miss This Fandom:

Hmmm... I don't really have any... *shrug* I'm not as active in the HP fandom anymore but it's still there when I need it.

15. I'm Glad This Fandom Is Gone:

*shrug* Also... No comment. I think that Stargate should be gone, but sadly... no.

16. My Fandoms:

A tiny bit of Torchwood and That 70's Show...

And I want to read Veronica Mars. And also some Star Wars.

meme, fandomy goodness

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